Andrew Stewart
Andrew Stewart
Department of Computer Science, University of Manchester
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Integrating text and pictorial information: Eye movements when looking at print advertisements.
K Rayner, CM Rotello, AJ Stewart, J Keir, SA Duffy
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 7 (3), 219, 2001
Listening effort and fatigue: what exactly are we measuring? A British Society of Audiology Cognition in Hearing Special Interest Group 'white paper’
RA McGarrigle, K Munro, PD Dawes, AJ Stewart, D Moore, J Barry, ...
International Journal of Audiology, 2014
Syntactic priming: Investigating the mental representation of language
HP Branigan, MJ Pickering, SP Liversedge, AJ Stewart, TP Urbach
Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 24 (6), 489-506, 1995
Linguistic focus and good-enough representations: An application of the change-detection paradigm
P Sturt, AJ Sanford, A Stewart, E Dawydiak
Psychonomic bulletin & review 11 (5), 882-888, 2004
Syntactic priming in spoken production: Linguistic and temporal interference
HP Branigan, MJ Pickering, AJ Stewart, JF McLean
Memory & Cognition 28 (8), 1297-1302, 2000
The time course of the influence of implicit causality information: Focusing versus integration accounts
AJ Stewart, MJ Pickering, AJ Sanford
Journal of Memory and Language 42 (3), 423-443, 2000
The role of local and global syntactic structure in language production: Evidence from syntactic priming
HP Branigan, MJ Pickering, JF McLean, AJ Stewart
Language and cognitive processes 21 (7-8), 974-1010, 2006
Pupillometry reveals changes in physiological arousal during a sustained listening task
RA McGarrigle, P Dawes, AJ Stewart, SE Kuchinsky, KJ Munro
Psychophysiology, 2017
A community-sourced glossary of open scholarship terms
S Parsons, F Azevedo, MM Elsherif, S Guay, ON Shahim, GH Govaart, ...
Nature human behaviour 6 (3), 312-318, 2022
Influencing green behaviour through environmental goal-priming: The mediating role of automatic evaluation
K Tate, AJ Stewart, M Daly
Journal of Environmental Psychology 38, 225-232, 2014
Perspective in statements of quantity, with implications for consumer psychology
AJ Sanford, N Fay, A Stewart, L Moxey
Psychological Science 13 (2), 130-134, 2002
Activation of syntactic information during language production
MJ Pickering, HP Branigan, AA Cleland, AJ Stewart
Journal of psycholinguistic research 29, 205-216, 2000
Shallow processing of ambiguous pronouns: Evidence for delay
AJ Stewart, J Holler, E Kidd
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 60 (12), 1680-1696, 2007
Measuring listening-related effort and fatigue in school-aged children using pupillometry
RA McGarrigle, P Dawes, AJ Stewart, SE Kuchinsky, KJ Munro
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2017
Accent imitation positively affects language attitudes
P Adank, AJ Stewart, L Connell, J Wood
Frontiers in Psychology 4, 2013
Children do not overcome lexical biases where adults do: the role of the referential scene in garden-path recovery
E Kidd, AJ Stewart, L Serratrice
Journal of Child Language 38 (1), 222-234, 2011
Using eye movements during reading as an implicit measure of the acceptability of brand extensions
AJ Stewart, MJ Pickering, P Sturt
Applied Cognitive Psychology: The Official Journal of the Society for …, 2004
An investigation into the online processing of counterfactual and indicative conditionals
AJ Stewart, M Haigh, E Kidd
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 62 (11), 2113-2125, 2009
The effect of previously viewed velocities on motion extrapolation
ADJ Makin, E Poliakoff, J Chen, AJ Stewart
Vision research 48 (18), 1884-1893, 2008
Concurrent and Longitudinal Relationships Between Development in Graphic, Language and Symbolic Play Domains from the Fourth to the Fifth Year
J Kirkham, A Stewart, E Kidd
Infant and Child Development, 2013
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