Ender Ayanoglu
Ender Ayanoglu
Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of California, Irvine
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Millimeter-wave massive MIMO: The next wireless revolution?
AL Swindlehurst, E Ayanoglu, P Heydari, F Capolino
IEEE Communications Magazine 52 (9), 56-62, 2014
Effects of wavelength routing and selection algorithms on wavelength conversion gain in WDM optical networks
E Karasan, E Ayanoglu
IEEE/ACM Transactions on networking 6 (2), 186-196, 1998
AIRMAIL: A link-layer protocol for wireless networks
E Ayanoglu, S Paul, TF LaPorta, KK Sabnani, RD Gitlin
Wireless Networks 1, 47-60, 1995
Navigation system for an automotive vehicle
E Ayanoglu, KK Sabnani
US Patent 5,689,252, 1997
Diversity coding for transparent self-healing and fault-tolerant communication networks
E Ayanoglu, I Chih-Lin, RD Gitlin, JE Mazo
IEEE Transactions on communications 41 (11), 1677-1686, 1993
Data link layer protocol for transport of ATM cells over a wireless link
E Ayanoglu
US Patent 5,717,689, 1998
Wireless ATM: Limits, challenges, and proposals
E Ayanoglu, KY Eng, MJ Karol
IEEE Personal Communications 3 (4), 18-34, 1996
The design of joint source and channel trellis waveform coders
E Ayanoglu, R Gray
IEEE Transactions on Information theory 33 (6), 855-865, 2003
Signaling and control architecture for an ad-hoc ATM LAN
E Ayanoglu, KY Eng, MJ Karol, P Pancha, C Woodworth, ...
US Patent 5,822,309, 1998
Performance of WDM transport networks
E Karasan, E Ayanoglu
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 16 (7), 1081-1096, 1998
Provisioning algorithms for WDM optical networks
M Alanyali, E Ayanoglu
IEEE/ACM Transactions On Networking 7 (5), 767-778, 1999
Comparison of wavelength-interchanging and wavelength-selective cross-connects in multiwavelength all-optical networks
G Jeong, E Ayanoglu
Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM'96. Conference on Computer Communications 1, 156-163, 1996
BAHAMA: A broadband ad-hoc wireless ATM local-area network
KY Eng, MJ Karol, M Veeraraghavan, E Ayanoglu, CB Woodworth, ...
Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Communications ICC'95 2, 1216-1223, 1995
Adaptive forward error correction system
E Ayanoglu, RD Gitlin, TF La Porta, S Paul, KK Sabnani
US Patent 5,600,663, 1997
A MIMO system with multifunctional reconfigurable antennas
BA Cetiner, E Akay, E Sengul, E Ayanoglu
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 5, 463-466, 2006
Asymmetric protocol for wireless communications
E Ayanoglu, RD Gitlin, TF La Porta, S Paul, KK Sabnani
US Patent 5,570,367, 1996
A wireless broadband ad-hoc ATM local-area network
KY Eng, MJ Karol, M Veeraraghavan, E Ayanoglu, CB Woodworth, ...
Wireless Networks 1, 161-174, 1995
Wireless internet access system
E Ayanoglu, KY Eng, MJ Karol, P Pancha
US Patent 6,058,422, 2000
Diversity analysis of single and multiple beamforming
E Sengul, E Akay, E Ayanoglu
2005 IEEE 61st Vehicular Technology Conference 2, 1293-1296, 2005
Media access control for MIMO wireless network
O Gurbuz, D Pignatelli, D Stephenson, E Perahia, B Douglas, E Ayanoglu
US Patent 7,301,924, 2007
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