Okan Arslan
Cited by
Cited by
A Benders decomposition approach for the charging station location problem with plug-in hybrid electric vehicles
O Arslan, OE Karaşan
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 93, 670-695, 2016
A branch and price approach for routing and refueling station location model
B Yıldız, O Arslan, OE Karaşan
European Journal of Operational Research 248 (3), 815-826, 2016
Cost and emission impacts of virtual power plant formation in plug-in hybrid electric vehicle penetrated networks
O Arslan, OE Karasan
Energy 60, 116-124, 2013
Minimum cost path problem for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles
O Arslan, B Yıldız, OE Karaşan
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 80, 123–141, 2015
A branch-and-cut algorithm for the alternative fuel refueling station location problem with routing
O Arslan, OE Karaşan, AR Mahjoub, H Yaman
Transportation Science 53 (4), 1107-1125, 2019
Impacts of battery characteristics, driver preferences and road network features on travel costs of a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) for long-distance trips
O Arslan, B Yıldız, OE Karaşan
Energy Policy 74, 168-178, 2014
The location-or-routing problem
O Arslan
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 147, 1-21, 2021
Minimum cost network design in strategic alliances
O Arslan, C Archetti, O Jabali, G Laporte, MG Speranza
Omega 96, 102079, 2020
Exact solution of the evasive flow capturing problem
O Arslan, O Jabali, G Laporte
Operations Research 66 (6), 1625-1640, 2018
The location and location-routing problem for the refugee camp network design
O Arslan, GÇ Kumcu, BY Kara, G Laporte
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 143, 201-220, 2021
Fiber optical network design problems: A case for Turkey
B Yazar, O Arslan, OE Karaşan, BY Kara
Omega 63, 23-40, 2016
A Benders decomposition algorithm for the maximum availability service facility location problem
A Muffak, O Arslan
Computers & Operations Research 149, 106030, 2023
A flexible, natural formulation for the network design problem with vulnerability constraints
O Arslan, O Jabali, G Laporte
INFORMS Journal on Computing 32 (1), 120-134, 2020
A location-or-routing problem with partial and decaying coverage
M Haghi, O Arslan, G Laporte
Computers & Operations Research 149, 106041, 2023
Data-driven vehicle routing in last mile delivery
O Arslan, R Abay, 2021
Single allocation hub location with heterogeneous economies of scale
B Rostami, M Chitsaz, O Arslan, G Laporte, A Lodi
Operations Research 70 (2), 766-785, 2022
Developing a tool for the location optimization of the alert aircraft with changing threat anticipation
O Arslan
Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB OH Graduate School of …, 2009
A unifying framework for selective routing problems
CF Dursunoglu, O Arslan, SM Demir, BY Kara, G Laporte
European Journal of Operational Research, 2024
Making opportunity sales in attended home delivery
ÇN Ötken, B Yıldız, O Arslan, G Laporte
Computers & Operations Research, 106362, 2023
A vehicle routing problem with time windows and workload balancing for COVID-19 testers: a case study
S Shahnejat-Bushehri, A Kermani, O Arslan, JF Cordeau, R Jans
IFAC-PapersOnLine 55 (10), 2920-2925, 2022
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Articles 1–20