Matthew Horton
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Cited by
Atomate: A high-level interface to generate, execute, and analyze computational materials science workflows
K Mathew, JH Montoya, A Faghaninia, S Dwarakanath, M Aykol, H Tang, ...
Computational Materials Science 139, 140-152, 2017
Grain boundary properties of elemental metals
H Zheng, XG Li, R Tran, C Chen, M Horton, D Winston, KA Persson, ...
Acta Materialia 186, 40-49, 2020
Materials design of perovskite solid solutions for thermochemical applications
J Vieten, B Bulfin, P Huck, M Horton, D Guban, L Zhu, Y Lu, KA Persson, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 12 (4), 1369-1384, 2019
High-throughput prediction of the ground-state collinear magnetic order of inorganic materials using Density Functional Theory
MK Horton, JH Montoya, M Liu, KA Persson
npj Computational Materials 5 (1), 2, 2019
A Framework for Quantifying Uncertainty in DFT Energy Corrections
A Wang, R Kingsbury, M McDermott, M Horton, A Jain, SP Ong, ...
ChemRxiv, 2021
OPTIMADE, an API for exchanging materials data
CW Andersen, R Armiento, E Blokhin, GJ Conduit, S Dwaraknath, ...
Scientific data 8 (1), 217, 2021
High-throughput predictions of metal–organic framework electronic properties: theoretical challenges, graph neural networks, and data exploration
AS Rosen, V Fung, P Huck, CT O’Donnell, MK Horton, DG Truhlar, ...
npj Computational Materials 8 (1), 1-10, 2022
Assessing local structure motifs using order parameters for motif recognition, interstitial identification, and diffusion path characterization
NER Zimmermann, MK Horton, A Jain, M Haranczyk
Frontiers in Materials 4, 34, 2017
Mg Doping Affects Dislocation Core Structures in GaN
SK Rhode, MK Horton, MJ Kappers, S Zhang, CJ Humphreys, RO Dusane, ...
Physical review letters 111 (2), 025502, 2013
Performance comparison of and SCAN metaGGA density functionals for solid materials via an automated, high-throughput computational workflow
R Kingsbury, AS Gupta, CJ Bartel, JM Munro, S Dwaraknath, M Horton, ...
Physical Review Materials 6 (1), 013801, 2022
Segregation of In to dislocations in InGaN
MK Horton, S Rhode, SL Sahonta, MJ Kappers, SJ Haigh, TJ Pennycook, ...
Nano letters 15 (2), 923-930, 2015
Benchmarking coordination number prediction algorithms on inorganic crystal structures
H Pan, AM Ganose, M Horton, M Aykol, KA Persson, NER Zimmermann, ...
Inorganic chemistry 60 (3), 1590-1603, 2021
IrRep: symmetry eigenvalues and irreducible representations of ab initio band structures
M Iraola, JL Mańes, B Bradlyn, MK Horton, T Neupert, MG Vergniory, ...
Computer Physics Communications 272, 108226, 2022
MatterGen: a generative model for inorganic materials design
C Zeni, R Pinsler, D Zügner, A Fowler, M Horton, X Fu, S Shysheya, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.03687, 2023
propnet: A Knowledge Graph for Materials Science
D Mrdjenovich, MK Horton, JH Montoya, CM Legaspi, S Dwaraknath, ...
Matter 2 (2), 464-480, 2020
The Materials Project: Accelerating Materials Design Through Theory-Driven Data and Tools
A Jain, J Montoya, S Dwaraknath, NER Zimmermann, J Dagdelen, ...
Handbook of Materials Modeling: Methods: Theory and Modeling, 1751-1784, 2020
An improved symmetry-based approach to reciprocal space path selection in band structure calculations
JM Munro, K Latimer, MK Horton, S Dwaraknath, KA Persson
npj Computational Materials 6 (1), 1-6, 2020
Carrier localization in the vicinity of dislocations in InGaN
FCP Massabuau, P Chen, MK Horton, SL Rhode, CX Ren, TJ O'Hanlon, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 121 (1), 013104, 2017
High-throughput search for magnetic and topological order in transition metal oxides
NC Frey, MK Horton, JM Munro, SM Griffin, KA Persson, VB Shenoy
Science advances 6 (50), eabd1076, 2020
Promises and perils of computational materials databases
MK Horton, S Dwaraknath, KA Persson
Nature Computational Science 1 (1), 3-5, 2021
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Articles 1–20