Brett J. Butler
Brett J. Butler
Research Forester, USDA Forest Service
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Family forest owners of the United States, 2006
BJ Butler
Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-27. Newtown Square, PA: US Department of Agriculture …, 2008
America's family forest owners
BJ Butler, EC Leatherberry
Journal of Forestry 102 (7), 4-14, 2004
Family forest ownerships of the United States, 2013: Findings from the USDA Forest Service's national woodland owner survey
BJ Butler, JH Hewes, BJ Dickinson, K Andrejczyk, SM Butler, ...
Journal of Forestry 114 (6), 638-647, 2016
Understanding and reaching family forest owners: Lessons from social marketing research
BJ Butler, M Tyrrell, G Feinberg, S VanManen, L Wiseman, S Wallinger
Journal of Forestry 105 (7), 348-357, 2007
Characterizing family forest owners: A cluster analysis approach
I Majumdar, L Teeter, B Butler
Forest Science 54 (2), 176-184, 2008
Family forest ownerships of the United States, 2018: Results from the USDA Forest Service, national woodland owner survey
BJ Butler, SM Butler, J Caputo, J Dias, A Robillard, EM Sass
Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-199. Madison, WI: US Department of agriculture, forest …, 2021
Species Richness, Spatial Variation, and Abundance of the Soil Seed Bank of a Secondary Tropical Rain Forest1
BJ Butler, RL Chazdon
Biotropica 30 (2), 214-222, 1998
Factors associated with landowner involvement in forest conservation programs in the US: Implications for policy design and outreach
Z Ma, BJ Butler, DB Kittredge, P Catanzaro
Land Use Policy 29 (1), 53-61, 2012
USDA Forest Service National Woodland Owner Survey: national, regional, and state statistics for family forest and woodland ownerships with 10+ acres, 2011-2013
B Butler, JH Hewes, BJ Dickinson, K Andrejczyk, SM Butler, ...
Res. Bull. NRS-99. Newtown Square, PA: US Department of Agriculture, Forest …, 2016
Forest fragmentation in the Pacific Northwest: quantification and correlations
BJ Butler, JJ Swenson, RJ Alig
Forest ecology and management 189 (1-3), 363-373, 2004
The diverse values and motivations of family forest owners in the United States: an analysis of an open-ended question in the National Woodland Owner Survey
DN Bengston, ST Asah, BJ Butler
Small-scale forestry 10, 339-355, 2011
Barriers to Massachusetts forest landowner participation in carbon markets
M Markowski-Lindsay, T Stevens, DB Kittredge, BJ Butler, P Catanzaro, ...
Ecological Economics 71, 180-190, 2011
The forests of Maine: 2003
WH McWilliams, BJ Butler, LE Caldwell, DM Griffith, ML Hoppus, ...
Resour. Bull. NE-164. Newtown Square, PA: US Department of Agriculture …, 2005
Design, Implementation, and Analysis Methods for the National Wooland Owner Survey
BJ Butler
US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station, 2005
Forest ownership dynamics of southern forests
BJ Butler, DN Wear
The southern forest futures project: Technical report, 1-552, 2013
Five anthropogenic factors that will radically alter forest conditions and management needs in the northern United States
SR Shifley, WK Moser, DJ Nowak, PD Miles, BJ Butler, FX Aguilar, ...
Forest Science 60 (5), 914-925, 2014
Social versus biophysical availability of wood in the northern United States
BJ Butler, Z Ma, DB Kittredge, P Catanzaro
Northern Journal of Applied Forestry 27 (4), 151-159, 2010
Institutional timberland ownership in the US South: Magnitude, location, dynamics, and management
D Zhang, BJ Butler, RV Nagubadi
Journal of Forestry 110 (7), 355-361, 2012
Motivations and land-use intentions of nonindustrial private forest landowners: comparing inheritors to noninheritors
I Majumdar, D Laband, L Teeter, B Butler
Forest science 55 (5), 423-432, 2009
The role of gender in management behaviors on family forest lands in the United States
SM Butler, ES Huff, SA Snyder, BJ Butler, M Tyrrell
Journal of Forestry 116 (1), 32-40, 2018
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