Hanna Fager
Hanna Fager
Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute
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Low-temperature growth of dense and hard Ti0. 41Al0. 51Ta0. 08N films via hybrid HIPIMS/DC magnetron co-sputtering with synchronized metal-ion irradiation
H Fager, O Tengstrand, J Lu, S Bolz, B Mesic, W Kölker, C Schiffers, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 121 (17), 2017
Growth of hard amorphous Ti–Al–Si–N thin films by cathodic arc evaporation
H Fager, JM Andersson, J Lu, MP Johansson Jöesaar, M Odén, ...
Surface & Coatings Technology 235, 376-382, 2013
Modifying the nanostructure and the mechanical properties of Mo2BC hard coatings: Influence of substrate temperature during magnetron sputtering
S Gleich, R Soler, H Fager, H Bolvardi, JO Achenbach, M Hans, ...
Materials & Design 142, 203-211, 2018
Growth and properties of amorphous Ti–B–Si–N thin films deposited by hybrid HIPIMS/DC-magnetron co-sputtering from TiB2 and Si targets
H Fager, G Greczynski, J Jensen, J Lu, L Hultman
Surface & Coatings Technology 259, 442-447, 2014
How tensile tests allow a screening of the fracture toughness of hard coatings
B Völker, C Du, H Fager, H Rueß, R Soler, C Kirchlechner, G Dehm, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 390, 125645, 2020
Thermal stability and mechanical properties of amorphous coatings in the Ti-B-Si-Al-N system grown by cathodic arc evaporation from TiB2, Ti33Al67, and Ti85Si15 cathodes
H Fager, JM Andersson, J Jensen, J Lu, L Hultman
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 32, 061508, 2014
Self-organization during growth of ZrN/SiNx multilayers by epitaxial lateral overgrowth
A Fallqvist, N Ghafoor, H Fager, L Hultman, PO Persson
Journal of Applied Physics 114 (22), 2013
Nanostructure of and structural defects in a Mo2BC hard coating investigated by transmission electron microscopy and atom probe tomography
S Gleich, H Fager, H Bolvardi, JO Achenbach, R Soler, KG Pradeep, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 122 (7), 2017
Novel hard, tough HfAlSiN multilayers, defined by alternating Si bond structure, deposited using modulated high-flux, low-energy ion irradiation of the growing film
H Fager, BM Howe, G Greczynski, J Jensen, AB Mei, J Lu, L Hultman, ...
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 33 (5), 2015
Growth and Characterization of Amorphous Multicomponent Nitride Thin Films
H Fager
Linköping Studies in Science and Technology Dissertation No. 1595, Linköping …, 2014
Growth and Characterization of Amorphous TiAlSiN and HfAlSiN Thin Films
H Fager
Linköping Studies in Science and Technology Licentiate Thesis No. 1542 …, 2012
Mo2BC thin films-a material system combining hardness and ductility?
R Soler, S Gleich, H Fager, JO Achenbach, C Kirchlechner, JM Schneider, ...
5th European Conference in Nanofilms ECNF2018, 2018
Atomic structure of a novel hard coating–transmission electron microscopy study of Mo2BC
S Gleich, R Soler, H Bolvardi, KG Pradeep, H Fager, JM Schneider, ...
Microscopy Conference 2017, 2017
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Articles 1–13