Stephan Alaniz
Stephan Alaniz
Postdoc, Helmholtz Munich
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Cited by
In-context impersonation reveals Large Language Models' strengths and biases
L Salewski, S Alaniz, I Rio-Torto, E Schulz, Z Akata
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36, 2024
Learning decision trees recurrently through communication
S Alaniz, D Marcos, B Schiele, Z Akata
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2021
Modeling conceptual understanding in image reference games
R Corona Rodriguez, S Alaniz, Z Akata
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32, 2019
Deep reinforcement learning with model learning and monte carlo tree search in minecraft
S Alaniz
arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.08456, 2018
Abstracting sketches through simple primitives
S Alaniz, M Mancini, A Dutta, D Marcos, Z Akata
European Conference on Computer Vision, 396-412, 2022
PDiscoNet: Semantically consistent part discovery for fine-grained recognition
R van der Klis, S Alaniz, M Mancini, CF Dantas, D Ienco, Z Akata, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2023
Semantic image synthesis with semantically coupled vq-model
S Alaniz, T Hummel, Z Akata
arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.02536, 2022
How should the advent of large language models affect the practice of science?
M Binz, S Alaniz, A Roskies, B Aczel, CT Bergstrom, C Allen, D Schad, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.03759, 2023
Iterative superquadric recomposition of 3d objects from multiple views
S Alaniz, M Mancini, Z Akata
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2023
Generating post-hoc rationales of deep visual classification decisions
Z Akata, LA Hendricks, S Alaniz, T Darrell
Explainable and Interpretable Models in Computer Vision and Machine Learning …, 2018
DeViL: Decoding Vision features into Language
M Dani, I Rio-Torto, S Alaniz, Z Akata
DAGM German Conference on Pattern Recognition, 363-377, 2023
Compositional Mixture Representations for Vision and Text
S Alaniz, M Federici, Z Akata
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2022
Datadream: Few-shot guided dataset generation
JM Kim, J Bader, S Alaniz, C Schmid, Z Akata
European Conference on Computer Vision, 252-268, 2025
COSMOS: Cross-Modality Self-Distillation for Vision Language Pre-training
S Kim, R Xiao, MI Georgescu, S Alaniz, Z Akata
arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.01814, 2024
Revealing and Reducing Gender Biases in Vision and Language Assistants (VLAs)
L Girrbach, Y Huang, S Alaniz, T Darrell, Z Akata
arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.19314, 2024
Explainability in deep learning by means of communication
S Alaniz
Universität Tübingen, 2022
Gender Bias in Vision-Language Assistants
L Girrbach, Y Huang, I Rio-Torto, S Alaniz, T Darrell, Z Akata
ECCV 2024 Workshop The Dark Side of Generative AIs and Beyond, 0
Feasibility with Language Models for Open-World Compositional Zero-Shot Learning
JM Kim, S Alaniz, C Schmid, Z Akata
Supplementary Materials: In-Context Impersonation Reveals Large Language Models’ Strengths and Biases
L Salewski, S Alaniz, I Rio-Torto, E Schulz, Z Akata
Iterative Binary Decisions
S Alaniz, Z Akata
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Articles 1–20