Lun-De Liao
Lun-De Liao
Principal Investigator at IBEN, National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan
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Novel Dry Polymer Foam Electrodes for Long-Term EEG Measurement
CT Lin, LD Liao, YH Liu, IJ Wang, BS Lin, JY Chang
Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Transactions on, 1-1, 2011
Gaming control using a wearable and wireless EEG-based brain-computer interface device with novel dry foam-based sensors
LD Liao, CY Chen, IJ Wang, SF Chen, SY Li, BW Chen, JY Chang, CT Lin
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 9, 1-12, 2012
Cognition in action: imaging brain/body dynamics in mobile humans
K Gramann, JT Gwin, DP Ferris, K Oie, TP Jung, CT Lin, LD Liao, ...
Walter de Gruyter 22 (6), 593-608, 2011
Biosensor technologies for augmented brain–computer interfaces in the next decades
LD Liao, CT Lin, K McDowell, AE Wickenden, K Gramann, TP Jung, ...
Proc. IEEE 100, 2012
Design, Fabrication and Experimental Validation of a Novel Dry-Contact Sensor for Measuring Electroencephalography Signals without Skin Preparation
LD Liao, I Wang, SF Chen, JY Chang, CT Lin
Sensors 11 (6), 5819-5834, 2011
Biocompatible conjugated polymer nanoparticles for efficient photothermal tumor therapy
J Geng, C Sun, J Liu, LD Liao, Y Yuan, N Thakor, J Wang, B Liu
Small 11 (13), 1603-1610, 2015
Ultra-thin flexible polyimide neural probe embedded in a dissolvable maltose-coated microneedle
Z Xiang, SC Yen, N Xue, T Sun, WM Tsang, S Zhang, LD Liao, NV Thakor, ...
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 24 (6), 065015, 2014
Imaging brain hemodynamic changes during rat forepaw electrical stimulation using functional photoacoustic microscopy
LD Liao, ML Li, HY Lai, YYI Shih, YC Lo, S Tsang, PCP Chao, CT Lin, ...
NeuroImage 52 (2), 562-570, 2010
Neurovascular coupling: in vivo optical techniques for functional brain imaging
LD Liao, V Tsytsarev, I Delgado-Martínez, ML Li, R Erzurumlu, A Vipin, ...
Biomedical engineering online 12 (1), 1, 2013
Progress of flexible electronics in neural interfacing–a self‐adaptive non‐invasive neural ribbon electrode for small nerves recording
Z Xiang, SC Yen, S Sheshadri, J Wang, S Lee, YH Liu, LD Liao, ...
Advanced materials 28 (22), 4472-4479, 2016
Conjugated polymer nanoparticles for photoacoustic vascular imaging
J Liu, J Geng, LD Liao, N Thakor, X Gao, B Liu
Polymer Chemistry 5 (8), 2854-2862, 2014
Conjugated polymer and drug co-encapsulated nanoparticles for chemo-and photo-thermal combination therapy with two-photon regulated fast drug release
Y Yuan, Z Wang, P Cai, J Liu, LD Liao, M Hong, X Chen, N Thakor, B Liu
Nanoscale 7 (7), 3067-3076, 2015
Controlling a Human-Computer Interface System with a Novel Classification Method that uses Electrooculography Signals
S Wu, L Liao, S Lu, W Jiang, S Chen, C Lin
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 60 (8), 2133 - 2141, 2013
Design, simulation and experimental validation of a novel flexible neural probe for deep brain stimulation and multichannel recording
HY Lai, LD Liao, CT Lin, JH Hsu, X He, YY Chen, JY Chang, HF Chen, ...
Journal of neural engineering 9 (3), 036001, 2012
Transcranial Imaging of Functional Cerebral Hemodynamic Changes in Single Blood Vessels using in vivo Photoacoustic Microscopy
LD Liao, CT Lin, YYI Shih, TQ Duong, HY Lai, PH Wang, R Wu, S Tsang, ...
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 32 (6), 938-951, 2012
Biocompatible red fluorescent organic nanoparticles with tunable size and aggregation-induced emission for evaluation of blood-brain barrier damage
X Cai, A Bandla, D Mao, G Feng, W Qin, LD Liao, N Thakor, BZ Tang, ...
Adv. Mater 28 (39), 8760-8765, 2016
Development of a wearable mobile electrocardiogram monitoring system by using novel dry foam electrodes
KC Tseng, BS Lin, LD Liao, YT Wang, YL Wang
IEEE systems Journal 8 (3), 900-906, 2013
Organic molecules with propeller structures for efficient photoacoustic imaging and photothermal ablation of cancer cells
X Cai, J Liu, WH Liew, Y Duan, J Geng, N Thakor, K Yao, LD Liao, B Liu
Materials Chemistry Frontiers 1 (8), 1556-1562, 2017
A novel 16-channel wireless system for electroencephalography measurements with dry spring-loaded sensors
LD Liao, SL Wu, CH Liou, SW Lu, SA Chen, SF Chen, LW Ko, CT Lin
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 63 (6), 1545-1555, 2014
Production of hollow bacterial cellulose microspheres using microfluidics to form an injectable porous scaffold for wound healing
J Yu, TR Huang, ZH Lim, R Luo, RR Pasula, LD Liao, S Lim, CH Chen
Advanced healthcare materials 5 (23), 2983-2992, 2016
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