Zhou Ge
Zhou Ge
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Millisecond autofocusing microscopy using neuromorphic event sensing
Z Ge, H Wei, F Xu, Y Gao, Z Chu, HKH So, EY Lam
Optics and Lasers in Engineering 160, 107247, 2023
Dual alternating direction method of multipliers for inverse imaging
L Song, Z Ge, EY Lam
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 31, 3295-3308, 2022
Event-based laser speckle correlation for micro motion estimation
Z Ge, Y Gao, HKH So, EY Lam
Optics Letters 46 (16), 3885-3888, 2021
LightGAN: A deep generative model for light field reconstruction
N Meng, Z Ge, T Zeng, EY Lam
IEEE Access 8, 116052-116063, 2020
Dynamic laser speckle analysis using the event sensor
Z Ge, N Meng, L Song, EY Lam
Applied Optics 60 (1), 172-178, 2020
Neuromorphic imaging with density-based spatiotemporal denoising
P Zhang, Z Ge, L Song, EY Lam
IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging 9, 530-541, 2023
Lens-free motion analysis via neuromorphic laser speckle imaging
Z Ge, P Zhang, Y Gao, HKH So, EY Lam
Optics Express 30 (2), 2206-2218, 2022
Neuromorphic Imaging with Joint Image Deblurring and Event Denoising
P Zhang, H Liu, Z Ge, C Wang, EY Lam
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2024
Tracking the shack-hartmann spots using neuromorphic motion compensation
C Wang, Z Ge, S Zhu, P Zhang, EY Lam
Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging, CTu2B. 5, 2023
Efficient non-line-of-sight tracking with computational neuromorphic imaging
S Zhu, Z Ge, C Wang, J Han, EY Lam
Optics Letters 49 (13), 3584-3587, 2024
Light field image restoration in low-light environment
Z Ge, L Song, EY Lam
SPIE future sensing technologies 11525, 300-305, 2020
Lensless sensing using the event sensor
Z Ge, T Zeng, EY Lam
Imaging Systems and Applications, ITu6B. 5, 2021
Removing wall redundancy in non-line-of-sight object-tracking using neuromorphic imaging
S Zhu, Z Ge, C Wang, J Han, EY Lam
Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging, CTu2B. 6, 2023
Dynamic speckle analysis using the event-based block matching algorithm
Z Ge, Y Zhu, Y Zhang, EY Lam
Advanced Sensor Systems and Applications XI 11901, 137-142, 2021
Event-based automatic focusing under photon-limited conditions
Z Ge, H Wei, EY Lam
Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging, CM4A. 2, 2022
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