Ihsan Al-Aasm
Ihsan Al-Aasm
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Stable isotope analysis of multiple carbonate samples using selective acid extraction
IS Al-Aasm, BE Taylor, B South
Chemical Geology: Isotope Geoscience Section 80 (2), 119-125, 1990
Diagenesis and reservoir-quality evolution of fluvial sandstones during progressive burial and uplift: Evidence from the Upper Jurassic Boipeba Member, Recôncavo Basin …
AM Salem, S Morad, LF Mato, IS Al-Aasm
AAPG bulletin 84 (7), 1015-1040, 2000
Burial dolomitization and dissolution of upper Jurassic Abenaki platform carbonates, deep Panuke reservoir, Nova Scotia, Canada
R Wierzbicki, JJ Dravis, I Al-Aasm, N Harland
AAPG bulletin 90 (11), 1843-1861, 2006
Diagenesis and reservoir-quality evolution of incised-valley sandstones: evidence from the Abu Madi gas reservoirs (Upper Miocene), The Nile Delta Basin, Egypt
AM Salem, JM Ketzer, S Morad, RR Rizk, IS Al-Aasm
Journal of Sedimentary Research 75 (4), 572-584, 2005
Karst-controlled diagenesis and reservoir development: Example from the Ordovician main-reservoir carbonate rocks on the eastern margin of the Ordos basin, China
B Wang, IS Al-Aasm
AAPG bulletin 86 (9), 1639-1658, 2002
Subaerial exposure and meteoric diagenesis of the Cenomanian-Turonian Upper Sarvak Formation, southwestern Iran
E Hajikazemi, IS Al-Aasm, M Coniglio
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 330 (1), 253-272, 2010
Sequence stratigraphic distribution of diagenetic alterations in coal‐bearing, paralic sandstones: Evidence from the Rio Bonito Formation (early Permian), southern Brazil
JM Ketzer, M Holz, S Morad, IS Al‐Aasm
Sedimentology 50 (5), 855-877, 2003
Diagenetic stabilization of aragonite and low-Mg calcite; I, Trace elements in rudists
IS Al-Aasm, J Veizer
Journal of Sedimentary Research 56 (1), 138-152, 1986
Distribution of diagenetic alterations in fluvial, deltaic, and shallow marine sandstones within a sequence stratigraphic framework: evidence from the Mullaghmore Formation …
JM Ketzer, S Morad, R Evans, IS Al-Aasm
Journal of Sedimentary Research 72 (6), 760-774, 2002
Diagenesis and formation water chemistry of Triassic reservoir sandstones from southern Tunisia
S Morad, HN Ben Ismail, LF De Ros, IS Al‐Aasm, NE Serrhini
Sandstone Diagenesis: Recent and Ancient, 583-602, 2003
Impact of diagenesis on the spatial and temporal distribution of reservoir quality in the Jurassic Arab D and C members, offshore Abu Dhabi oilfield, United Arab Emirates
S Morad, IS Al-Aasm, FH Nader, A Ceriani, M Gasparrini, H Mansurbeg
GeoArabia 17 (3), 17-56, 2012
Origin and characterization of hydrothermal dolomite in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin
I Al-Aasm
Journal of Geochemical Exploration 78, 9-15, 2003
Distribution of diagenetic alterations in siliciclastic shoreface deposits within a sequence stratigraphic framework: evidence from the Upper Jurassic, Boulonnais, NW France
K Al-Ramadan, S Morad, JN Proust, I Al-Aasm
Journal of Sedimentary Research 75 (5), 943-959, 2005
Stabilization of early-formed dolomite: a tale of divergence from two Mississippian dolomites
IS Al-Aasm, JJ Packard
Sedimentary geology 131 (3-4), 97-108, 2000
A Devonian hydrothermal chert reservoir: the 225 bcf Parkland field, British Columbia, Canada
JJ Packard, I Al-Aasm, I Samson, Z Berger, J Davies
AAPG bulletin 85 (1), 51-84, 2001
Origin of Lower Ordovician dolomites in eastern Laurentia: controls on porosity and implications from geochemistry
E Azomani, K Azmy, N Blamey, U Brand, I Al-Aasm
Marine and Petroleum Geology 40, 99-114, 2013
Diagenetic stabilization of aragonite and low-Mg calcite; II, Stable isotopes in rudists
IS Al-Aasm, J Veizer
Journal of Sedimentary Research 56 (6), 763-770, 1986
Chemical stabilization of low-Mg calcite; an example of brachiopods
IS Al-Aasm, J Veizer
Journal of Sedimentary Research 52 (4), 1101-1109, 1982
Distribution of diagenetic alterations in fluvial and paralic deposits within sequence stratigraphic framework: evidence from the Petrohan Terrigenous Group and the Svidol …
MAK El-ghali, H Mansurbeg, S Morad, I Al-Aasm, G Ajdanlisky
Sedimentary Geology 190 (1-4), 299-321, 2006
Magnesium-isotope and REE compositions of Lower Ordovician carbonates from eastern Laurentia: implications for the origin of dolomites and limestones
K Azmy, D Lavoie, Z Wang, U Brand, I Al-Aasm, S Jackson, I Girard
Chemical Geology 356, 64-75, 2013
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