Hae Won Seo
Hae Won Seo
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Surfactant effects on droplet dynamics and deposition patterns: a lattice gas model
N Jung, HW Seo, PH Leo, J Kim, P Kim, CS Yoo
Soft Matter 13 (37), 6529-6541, 2017
Two-dimensional characteristic boundary conditions for open boundaries in the lattice Boltzmann methods
N Jung, HW Seo, CS Yoo
Journal of Computational Physics 302, 191-199, 2015
Oscillation dynamics of colloidal particles caused by surfactant in an evaporating droplet
HW Seo, N Jung, CS Yoo
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 34, 801-808, 2020
Comparative life cycle assessment of carbon-free ammonia as fuel for power generation based on the perspective of supply chains
HE Lee, JLJ Ling, KP Pae, BS Solanki, HS Park, HJ Ahn, HW Seo, ...
Energy 312, 133557, 2024
Development of an OpenFOAM-based library for surface chemistry: An application for ammonia decomposition
DN Nguyen, JH Lee, HW Seo, HJ Ahn, CS Yoo
KOSCO SYMPOSIUM 논문집, 95-98, 2024
A modified form of Takahashi's microkinetic model for simulations of catalytic hydrogen production via ammonia decomposition
DN Nguyen, JH Lee, HW Seo, HJ Ahn, CS Yoo
KOSCO SYMPOSIUM 논문집, 166-168, 2023
Meso-scale modelling of fluid dynamics in a colloidal system: Monte Carlo Simulation and Lattice Boltzmann Method
HW Seo
Graduate School of UNIST, 2019
A Study of the Motions of Colloidal Particles in a Drying Film Using Lattice Boltzmann Method
박정기, 최진솔, 서해원, 유춘상
대한기계학회 2018 년도 마이크로/나노공학부문, 2018
A multiphase lattice Boltzmann study of droplet evaporation with a pinned contact line
최진솔, 박정기, 서해원, 유춘상
대한기계학회 2018 년도 마이크로/나노공학부문, 2018
Oscillatory dynamics of colloidal particles by surfactant in an evaporating droplet
서해원, 유춘상
대한기계학회 춘추학술대회, 26-26, 2018
Self-Segregation of Binary Mixtures in a Drying Colloidal Droplet
서해원, 유춘상
대한기계학회, 2016
박막의 증발 중 나타나는 이원 혼합물의 자가 분리에 미치는 유체 흐름의 영향
서해원, 유춘상
대한기계학회 춘추학술대회, 5-5, 2016
The effects of surfactant dynamics on deposition patterns in evaporating colloidal drops
N Jung, H Seo, P Kim, CS Yoo
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2016, C38. 002, 2016
The effect of surfactants on deposit patterns in evaporating colloidal droplets
N Jung, H Seo, P Kim, CS Yoo
대한기계학회, 2015
Two-dimensional characteristic boundary conditions for open boundaries in the lattice Boltzmann methods
H Seo, N Jung, CS Yoo
대한기계학회, 2015
액적증발 침착패턴 형성에 미치는 계면활성제의 효과
서해원, 김필원, 유춘상
대한기계학회 춘추학술대회, 1164-1168, 2015
The experiment and numerical investigations on hydrogen production from ammonia cracking: a priori study
DN Nguyen, JH Lee, HW Seo, HJ Ahn, BS Kim, CS Yoo
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Articles 1–17