Victor Perotti
Victor Perotti
Professor of Business, Rochester Institute of Technology
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Attitude and age differences in online buying
P Sorce, V Perotti, S Widrick
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 33 (2), 122-132, 2005
Taking advantage of digital opportunities: a typology of digital entrepreneurship
CE Hull, YTC Hung, N Hair, V Perotti, R DeMartino
International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations 4 (3), 290-303, 2007
The visual perception of three-dimensional length.
JF Norman, JT Todd, VJ Perotti, JS Tittle
Journal of experimental psychology: Human Perception and Performance 22 (1), 173, 1996
Market orientation in digital entrepreneurship: Advantages and challenges in a web 2.0 networked world
N Hair, LR Wetsch, CE Hull, V Perotti, YTC Hung
International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management 9 (06), 1250045, 2012
Systematic distortion of perceived three-dimensional structure from motion and binocular stereopsis.
JS Tittle, JT Todd, VJ Perotti, JF Norman
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 21 (3), 663, 1995
Strategic predictors of successful enterprise system deployment
JE Ettlie, VJ Perotti, DA Joseph, MJ Cotteleer
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 25 (10), 953-972, 2005
The perception of surface curvature from optical motion
VJ Perotti, JT Todd, JS Lappin, F Phillips
Perception & Psychophysics 60, 377-388, 1998
Lies, brands and social media
T Tuten, V Perotti
Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal 22 (1), 5-13, 2019
The visual perception of surface orientation from optical motion
JT Todd, VJ Perotti
Perception & psychophysics 61 (8), 1577-1589, 1999
Startup tribes: Social network ties that support success in new firms
V Perotti, Y Yu
The perception of scale-dependent and scale-independent surface structure from binocular disparity, texture, and shading
JS Tittle, JF Norman, VJ Perotti, F Phillips
Perception 27 (2), 147-166, 1998
21st-century deaf workers: Going beyond “just employed” to career growth and entrepreneurship
RR Kelly, AB Quagliata, R DeMartino, V Perotti
Diversity in deaf education, 473-504, 2016
The visual perception of rigid motion from constant flow fields
VJ Perotti, JT Todd, JF Norman
Perception & Psychophysics 58, 666-679, 1996
The perception of shape and curvedness from binocular stereopsis and structure from motion
JS Tittle, VJ Perotti
Perception & psychophysics 59, 1167-1179, 1997
An exploratory study of operant conditioning theory as a predictor of online product selection
V Perotti, P Sorce, S Widrick
Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations (JECO) 1 (1), 42-54, 2003
User experience in online social networks: a qualitative analysis of key activities and associated features
V Perotti, N Hair
2011 44th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1-10, 2011
Analysis of attitudes of Turkish citizens towards the effect of European Union membership on the economic, political, and cultural environment
CB Aybar, AE Mergen, V Perotti, DMH Reid
Turkish Studies 8 (3), 329-348, 2007
Entrepreneurship in the disability community: An exploratory study on the deaf and hard of hearing community (Summary)
R DeMartino, WS Atkins, RJ Barbato, VJ Perotti
Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 31 (4), 5, 2011
Breaking Out of the Box: Meaning and Means.
G Zaltman
Advances in Consumer Research 24 (1), 1997
Integration of binocular stereopsis and structure from motion in the discrimination of noisy surfaces.
JS Tittle, VJ Perotti, JF Norman
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 23 (4 …, 1997
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