Jeffrey L. Blackburn
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Carbon‐nanotube‐based thermoelectric materials and devices
JL Blackburn, AJ Ferguson, C Cho, JC Grunlan
Advanced Materials 30 (11), 1704386, 2018
Nanostructured Fe3O4/SWNT Electrode: Binder‐Free and High‐Rate Li‐Ion Anode
C Ban, Z Wu, DT Gillaspie, L Chen, Y Yan, JL Blackburn, AC Dillon
Advanced Materials 22 (20), E145-E149, 2010
Ultrasmooth, large‐area, high‐uniformity, conductive transparent single‐walled‐carbon‐nanotube films for photovoltaics produced by ultrasonic spraying
RC Tenent, TM Barnes, JD Bergeson, AJ Ferguson, B To, LM Gedvilas, ...
Advanced materials 21 (31), 3210-3216, 2009
Fluorescence imaging in vivo at wavelengths beyond 1500 nm
S Diao, JL Blackburn, G Hong, AL Antaris, J Chang, JZ Wu, B Zhang, ...
Angewandte Chemie 127 (49), 14971-14975, 2015
Transparent conductive single-walled carbon nanotube networks with precisely tunable ratios of semiconducting and metallic nanotubes
JL Blackburn, TM Barnes, MC Beard, YH Kim, RC Tenent, TJ McDonald, ...
ACS nano 2 (6), 1266-1274, 2008
Tailored semiconducting carbon nanotube networks with enhanced thermoelectric properties
AD Avery, BH Zhou, J Lee, ES Lee, EM Miller, R Ihly, D Wesenberg, ...
Nature Energy 1 (4), 1-9, 2016
Tunable room-temperature single-photon emission at telecom wavelengths from sp3 defects in carbon nanotubes
X He, NF Hartmann, X Ma, Y Kim, R Ihly, JL Blackburn, W Gao, J Kono, ...
Nature Photonics 11 (9), 577-582, 2017
A practical field guide to thermoelectrics: Fundamentals, synthesis, and characterization
A Zevalkink, DM Smiadak, JL Blackburn, AJ Ferguson, ML Chabinyc, ...
Applied Physics Reviews 5 (2), 2018
Biological imaging without autofluorescence in the second near-infrared region
S Diao, G Hong, AL Antaris, JL Blackburn, K Cheng, Z Cheng, H Dai
Nano Research 8, 3027-3034, 2015
Unconventional thermoelectric materials for energy harvesting and sensing applications
M Massetti, F Jiao, AJ Ferguson, D Zhao, K Wijeratne, A Würger, ...
Chemical Reviews 121 (20), 12465-12547, 2021
Balancing the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction, Surface Energetics, and Stability of Metallic MoS2 Nanosheets via Covalent Functionalization
EE Benson, H Zhang, SA Schuman, SU Nanayakkara, ND Bronstein, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 140 (1), 441-450, 2018
High-yield dispersions of large-diameter semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes with tunable narrow chirality distributions
KS Mistry, BA Larsen, JL Blackburn
ACS nano 7 (3), 2231-2239, 2013
Structural and chemical evolution of methylammonium lead halide perovskites during thermal processing from solution
DP Nenon, JA Christians, LM Wheeler, JL Blackburn, EM Sanehira, ...
Energy & environmental science 9 (6), 2072-2082, 2016
Large n-and p-type thermoelectric power factors from doped semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotube thin films
BA MacLeod, NJ Stanton, IE Gould, D Wesenberg, R Ihly, ZR Owczarczyk, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 10 (10), 2168-2179, 2017
Comparing the fundamental physics and device performance of transparent, conductive nanostructured networks with conventional transparent conducting oxides
TM Barnes, MO Reese, JD Bergeson, BA Larsen, JL Blackburn, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 2 (3), 353-360, 2012
Isolation of> 1 nm diameter single-wall carbon nanotube species using aqueous two-phase extraction
JA Fagan, EH Hároz, R Ihly, H Gui, JL Blackburn, JR Simpson, S Lam, ...
ACS nano 9 (5), 5377-5390, 2015
Carbon nanotube network electrodes enabling efficient organic solar cells without a hole transport layer
TM Barnes, JD Bergeson, RC Tenent, BA Larsen, G Teeter, KM Jones, ...
Applied Physics Letters 96 (24), 2010
Switchable photovoltaic windows enabled by reversible photothermal complex dissociation from methylammonium lead iodide
LM Wheeler, DT Moore, R Ihly, NJ Stanton, EM Miller, RC Tenent, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 1722, 2017
Reversibility, dopant desorption, and tunneling in the temperature-dependent conductivity of type-separated, conductive carbon nanotube networks
TM Barnes, JL Blackburn, J van de Lagemaat, TJ Coutts, MJ Heben
American Chemical Society 2 (9), 1968-1976, 2008
Efficient charge extraction and slow recombination in organic–inorganic perovskites capped with semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes
R Ihly, AM Dowgiallo, M Yang, P Schulz, NJ Stanton, OG Reid, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 9 (4), 1439-1449, 2016
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Articles 1–20