Merten Tiedemann
Merten Tiedemann
AUDI AG, Hamburg University of Technology
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Deep learning for brake squeal: Brake noise detection, characterization and prediction
M Stender, M Tiedemann, D Spieler, D Schoepflin, N Hoffmann, S Oberst
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 149, 107181, 2021
The influence of joints on friction induced vibration in brake squeal
S Kruse, M Tiedemann, B Zeumer, P Reuss, H Hetzler, N Hoffmann
Journal of Sound and Vibration 340, 239-252, 2015
Impact of an irregular friction formulation on dynamics of a minimal model for brake squeal
M Stender, M Tiedemann, N Hoffmann, S Oberst
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 107, 439-451, 2018
Complex machine dynamics: systematic recurrence quantification analysis of disk brake vibration data
M Stender, S Oberst, M Tiedemann, N Hoffmann
Nonlinear Dynamics 97 (4), 2483-2497, 2019
Determining growth rates of instabilities from time-series vibration data: Methods and applications for brake squeal
M Stender, M Tiedemann, L Hoffmann, N Hoffmann
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 129, 250-264, 2019
Nonlinearities in friction brake NVH-experimental and numerical studies
N Gräbner, M Tiedemann, U Von Wagner, N Hoffmann
SAE Technical Paper, 2014
Dominant damping effects in friction brake noise, vibration and harshness: the relevance of joints
M Tiedemann, S Kruse, N Hoffmann
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of …, 2015
Structural design with joints for maximum dissipation
M Stender, A Papangelo, M Allen, M Brake, C Schwingshackl, ...
Shock & Vibration, Aircraft/Aerospace, Energy Harvesting, Acoustics & Optics …, 2016
The 2014 Sandia nonlinear mechanics and dynamics summer research institute
MRW Brake, P Reuss, CW Schwingshackl, L Salles, ME Negus, ...
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States), 2015
The influence of loading conditions on the static coefficient of friction: A study on brake creep groan
S Kruse, B Stingl, J Hieke, A Papangelo, M Tiedemann, N Hoffmann, ...
Topics in Modal Analysis I, Volume 7: Proceedings of the 32nd IMAC, A …, 2014
Energy harvesting below the onset of flutter
M Stender, M Tiedemann, N Hoffmann
Journal of sound and vibration 458, 17-21, 2019
The dynamics of assembled structures excited by friction
M Tiedemann
Shaker Verlag, 2015
Deep learning for brake squeal: vibration detection, characterization and prediction
M Stender, M Tiedemann, D Spieler, D Schoepflin, N Hofffmann, S Oberst
arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.01596, 2020
Impact of joints on dynamic behaviour of brake systems
M Tiedemann, M Stender, N Hoffmann
Proceedings of Eurobrake Conference, 2014
Radbremsen in E-Fahrzeugen Potenziale und Herausforderungen
K Bode, M Tiedemann
ATZ-Automobiltechnische Zeitschrift 119 (6), 26-31, 2017
Vorhersage des Bremsbelagsverschleißes bei Elektrofahrzeugen
M Tiedemann, J Kijanski, J Otto, GP Ostermeyer
ATZ-Automobiltechnische Zeitschrift 122 (6), 26-31, 2020
Characterization of complex states for friction‐excited systems
M Stender, M Tiedemann, N Hoffmann
PAMM 17 (1), 45-46, 2017
Prediction of brake pad wear in battery-electric vehicles
M Tiedemann, J Kijanski, J Otto, GP Ostermeyer
ATZ worldwide 122 (6), 26-31, 2020
Wheel brakes for electric vehicles potentials and challenges
K Bode, M Tiedemann
ATZ worldwide 119 (6), 26-31, 2017
On vibrations in non‐linear, forced, friction‐excited systems
M Tiedemann, M Stender, N Hoffmann
PAMM 15 (1), 267-268, 2015
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