Rastin Matin
Rastin Matin
Niels Bohr Institute
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Cited by
Dissecting climate risks: Are they reflected in stock prices?
G Skiadopoulos, R Faccini, R Matin
Journal of Banking and Finance, 2023
Predicting distresses using deep learning of text segments in annual reports
R Matin, C Hansen, C Hansen, P Mølgaard
Expert Systems with Applications 132, 199-208, 2019
Observation of motion-dependent nonlinear dispersion with narrow-linewidth atoms in an optical cavity
PG Westergaard, BTR Christensen, D Tieri, R Matin, J Cooper, M Holland, ...
Physical review letters 114 (9), 093002, 2015
Detailed analysis of the lattice Boltzmann method on unstructured grids
MK Misztal, A Hernandez-Garcia, R Matin, HO Sørensen, J Mathiesen
Journal of Computational Physics 297, 316-339, 2015
Simulating anomalous dispersion in porous media using the unstructured lattice Boltzmann method
MK Misztal, A Hernandez-Garcia, R Matin, D Müter, D Jha, HO Sørensen, ...
Frontiers in Physics 3, 50, 2015
Can machine learning models capture correlations in corporate distresses?
B Christoffersen, R Matin, P Mølgaard
Available at SSRN 3273985, 2019
Evaluation of the finite element lattice Boltzmann method for binary fluid flows
R Matin, MK Misztal, A Hernández-García, J Mathiesen
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 74 (2), 281-291, 2017
Coherent structures in turbulent square duct flow
R Matin, LHO Hellström, A Hernández-García, J Mathiesen, AJ Smits
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 74, 144-153, 2018
Finite-element lattice Boltzmann simulations of contact line dynamics
R Matin, M Krzysztof Misztal, A Hernández-García, J Mathiesen
Physical Review E 97 (1), 013307, 2018
Modeling frailty correlated defaults with multivariate latent factors
B Christoffersen, R Matin
Danmarks Nationalbank Working Papers, 2020
Female business owners pay higher interest rates on corporate loans
ATA Martinello, B Mønsted, R Matin, SAM Steffensen, K Holm Laursen
Danmarks Nationalbank Working Papers, 2021
Arbitrage-free affine autoencoder term structure models
R Matin, W Wan, R Poulsen
Available at SSRN 5040173, 2024
Seeing through the spin: The effect of news sentiment on firms' stock market performance
SL Daetz, AK Hvid, A Martinello, R Matin
Danmarks Nationalbank Working Papers, 2019
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Articles 1–13