Xiaosi (David) Zeng
Xiaosi (David) Zeng
Traffic Simulation Engineer, Uber Advanced Technology Group
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Getis–Ord spatial statistics to identify hot spots by using incident management data
P Songchitruksa, X Zeng
Transportation research record 2165 (1), 42-51, 2010
Queue length estimation using connected vehicle technology for adaptive signal control
K Tiaprasert, Y Zhang, XB Wang, X Zeng
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 16 (4), 2129-2140, 2015
Development of recurrent neural network considering temporal‐spatial input dynamics for freeway travel time modeling
X Zeng, Y Zhang
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 28 (5), 359-371, 2013
A space–time diurnal method for short-term freeway travel time prediction
Y Zou, X Zhu, Y Zhang, X Zeng
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 43, 33-49, 2014
Potential connected vehicle applications to enhance mobility, safety, and environmental security.
X Zeng, K Balke, P Songchitruksa
Southwest Region University Transportation Center (US), 2012
A real-time transit signal priority control model considering stochastic bus arrival time
X Zeng, Y Zhang, KN Balke, K Yin
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 15 (4), 1657-1666, 2014
Guidelines for choosing hot-spot analysis tools based on data characteristics, network restrictions, and time distributions
PF Kuo, X Zeng, D Lord
Proceedings of the 91 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 22-26, 2011
Route-based transit signal priority using connected vehicle technology to promote bus schedule adherence
X Zeng, Y Zhang, J Jiao, K Yin
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 22 (2), 1174-1184, 2020
Component GARCH models to account for seasonal patterns and uncertainties in travel-time prediction
Y Zhang, A Haghani, X Zeng
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 16 (2), 719-729, 2014
Person-based adaptive priority signal control with connected-vehicle information
X Zeng, X Sun, Y Zhang, L Quadrifoglio
Transportation Research Record 2487 (1), 78-87, 2015
Two-Way Bandwidth Maximization Model with Proration Impact Factor for Unbalanced Bandwidth Demands
K Lu, X Zeng, L Li, J Xu
Journal of Transportation Engineering 138 (5), 527-534, 2012
Univariate volatility-based models for improving quality of travel time reliability forecasting
Y Zhang, R Sun, A Haghani, X Zeng
Transportation research record 2365 (1), 73-81, 2013
Dynamic traffic assignment evaluation of hurricane evacuation strategies for the Houston–Galveston, Texas, region
P Songchitruksa, R Henk, S Venglar, X Zeng
Transportation research record 2312 (1), 108-119, 2012
Empirical method for estimating traffic incident recovery time
X Zeng, P Songchitruksa
Transportation research record 2178 (1), 119-127, 2010
A guidebook for effective use of incident data at Texas transportation management centers
P Songchitruksa, K Balke, X Zeng, CL Chu, Y Zhang
Texas. Dept. of Transportation. Research and Technology Implementation Office, 2009
Regional Impact Of Roadway Construction On Traffic And Border Crossing Operations In The El Paso Region
G Pesti, CL Chu, K Balke, X Zeng, J Shelton, N Chaudhary
Center for International Intelligent Transportation Research, Texas …, 2010
Evaluating and improving incident management using historical incident data: case studies at Texas transportation management centers.
P Songchitruksa, K Balke, X Zeng, CL Chu, Y Zhang, G Pesti
Texas Transportation Institute, 2009
The ridesharing problem without predetermined drivers and riders: formulation and heuristic
W Lu, L Quadrifoglio, D Lee, X Zeng
Transportation Letters 15 (8), 969-979, 2023
Dynamically Predicting Corridor Travel Time Under Incident Conditions Using a Neural Network Approach
X Zeng
Texas A & M University, 2011
Improved intersection operations during detector failures.
S Sunkari, P Songchitruksa, H Charara, X Zeng
Texas Transportation Institute, 2010
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