Durairaj Maheswaran
Durairaj Maheswaran
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Heuristic processing can bias systematic processing: effects of source credibility, argument ambiguity, and task importance on attitude judgment.
S Chaiken, D Maheswaran
Journal of personality and social psychology 66 (3), 460, 1994
The influence of message framing and issue involvement
D Maheswaran, J Meyers-Levy
Journal of Marketing research 27 (3), 361-367, 1990
Country of origin as a stereotype: Effects of consumer expertise and attribute strength on product evaluations
D Maheswaran
Journal of consumer research 21 (2), 354-365, 1994
Promoting systematic processing in low-motivation settings: effect of incongruent information on processing and judgment.
D Maheswaran, S Chaiken
Journal of personality and social psychology 61 (1), 13, 1991
Exploring differences in males' and females' processing strategies
J Meyers-Levy, D Maheswaran
Journal of consumer research 18 (1), 63-70, 1991
Cultural variations in country of origin effects
Z Gürhan-Canli, D Maheswaran
Journal of marketing research 37 (3), 309-317, 2000
The effect of cultural orientation on persuasion
JL Aaker, D Maheswaran
Journal of consumer research 24 (3), 315-328, 1997
The effects of knowledge, motivation, and type of message on ad processing and product judgments
D Maheswaran, B Sternthal
Journal of consumer Research 17 (1), 66-73, 1990
Brand name as a heuristic cue: The effects of task importance and expectancy confirmation on consumer judgments
D Maheswaran, DM Mackie, S Chaiken
Journal of consumer psychology 1 (4), 317-336, 1992
Determinants of country-of-origin evaluations
Z Gürhan-Canli, D Maheswaran
Journal of Consumer Research 27 (1), 96-108, 2000
The effects of extensions on brand name dilution and enhancement
Z Gürhan-Canli, D Maheswaran
Journal of marketing research 35 (4), 464-473, 1998
The effects of self-construal and commitment on persuasion
N Agrawal, D Maheswaran
Journal of Consumer Research 31 (4), 841-849, 2005
Issues and new directions in global consumer psychology
D Maheswaran, S Shavitt
Cultural Psychology, 59-66, 2014
Exploring message framing outcomes when systematic, heuristic, or both types of processing occur
J Meyers-Levy, D Maheswaran
Journal of Consumer psychology 14 (1-2), 159-167, 2004
Motivated reasoning: A depth-of-processing perspective
SP Jain, D Maheswaran
Journal of Consumer Research 26 (4), 358-371, 2000
The psychology of appraisal: Specific emotions and decision-making
J So, C Achar, DH Han, N Agrawal, A Duhachek, D Maheswaran
Journal of Consumer Psychology 25 (3), 359-371, 2015
Nation equity: incidental emotions in country-of-origin effects
D Maheswaran, CY Chen
Journal of consumer research 33 (3), 370-376, 2006
When timing matters: The influence of temporal distance on consumers' affective and persuasive responses
J Meyers-Levy, D Maheswaran
Journal of Consumer Research 19 (3), 424-433, 1992
MAPping the Frontiers: Theoretical Advances in Consumer Research on Memory, Affect, and Persuasion
GV Johar, D Maheswaran, LA Peracchio
Journal of Consumer Research 33 (1), 139-149, 2006
Pandemics and marketing: Insights, impacts, and research opportunities
G Das, SP Jain, D Maheswaran, RJ Slotegraaf, R Srinivasan
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 49 (5), 835-854, 2021
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