Tomasz Slupinski
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Cited by
Effect of Optical Spin Injection on Ferromagnetically Coupled Mn Spins in the III-V Magnetic Alloy Semiconductor
A Oiwa, Y Mitsumori, R Moriya, T Słupinski, H Munekata
Physical review letters 88 (13), 137202, 2002
Control of magnetization reversal process by light illumination in ferromagnetic semiconductor heterostructure
A Oiwa, T Słupinski, H Munekata
Applied Physics Letters 78 (4), 518-520, 2001
Dynamics of photoinduced magnetization rotation in ferromagnetic semiconductor p-(Ga,Mn)As
Y Mitsumori, A Oiwa, T Słupinski, H Maruki, Y Kashimura, F Minami, ...
Physical Review B 69 (3), 033203, 2004
Ferromagnetic semiconductor (in, ga, mn) as with curie temperature above 100 k
T Slupinski, H Munekata, A Oiwa
Applied physics letters 80 (9), 1592-1594, 2002
Electronic structure of In 1− x Mn x As studied by photoemission spectroscopy: Comparison with Ga 1− x Mn x As
J Okabayashi, T Mizokawa, DD Sarma, A Fujimori, T Slupinski, A Oiwa, ...
Physical Review B 65 (16), 161203, 2002
Preparation of ferromagnetic (In, Mn) As with relatively low hole concentration and Curie temperature 50 K
T Slupinski, A Oiwa, S Yanagi, H Munekata
Journal of crystal growth 237, 1326-1330, 2002
Carrier-induced ferromagnetic order in the narrow gap III–V magnetic alloy semiconductor (In, Mn) Sb
S Yanagi, K Kuga, T Slupinski, H Munekata
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 20 (3-4), 333-337, 2004
Ultrafast softening in InMnAs
J Wang, GA Khodaparast, J Kono, T Slupinski, A Oiwa, H Munekata
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 20 (3-4), 412-418, 2004
Ferromagnetic resonance in epitaxial : Angle- and temperature-dependent studies
K Dziatkowski, M Palczewska, T Słupiński, A Twardowski
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70 (11), 115202, 2004
Ultrafast optical manipulation of ferromagnetic order in InMnAs/GaSb
J Wang, GA Khodaparast, J Kono, T Slupinski, A Oiwa, H Munekata
Proceedings. IEEE Lester Eastman Conference on High Performance Devices, 307-314, 2002
Theoretical and experimental studies of cyclotron resonance in p-type InAs and InMnAs at ultrahigh magnetic fields
GD Sanders, Y Sun, CJ Stanton, GA Khodaparast, J Kono, YH Matsuda, ...
Journal of applied physics 93 (10), 6897-6899, 2003
Coupled plasmon–LO-phonon modes at high-magnetic fields
A Wysmołek, D Plantier, M Potemski, T Słupiński, ZR Żytkiewicz
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (16), 165206, 2006
Ultra low density of CdTe quantum dots grown by MBE
J Kobak, JG Rousset, R Rudniewski, E Janik, T Slupinski, P Kossacki, ...
Journal of crystal growth 378, 274-277, 2013
MBE growth and characterization of a II–VI distributed Bragg reflector and microcavity lattice-matched to MgTe
JG Rousset, J Kobak, T Slupinski, T Jakubczyk, P Stawicki, E Janik, ...
Journal of crystal growth 378, 266-269, 2013
Thermal expansion of GaAs: Te and AlGaAs: Te at low temperatures
M Leszczynski, VB Pluzhnikov, A Czopnik, J Bak-Misiuk, T Slupinski
Journal of applied physics 82 (9), 4678-4680, 1997
MBE grown microcavities based on selenium and tellurium compounds
JG Rousset, J Kobak, E Janik, T Jakubczyk, R Rudniewski, P Piotrowski, ...
Journal of crystal growth 401, 499-503, 2014
High-field cyclotron resonance studies of InMnAs-based ferromagnetic semiconductor heterostructures
GA Khodaparast, J Kono, YH Matsuda, S Ikeda, N Miura, YJ Wang, ...
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 21 (2-4), 978-982, 2004
Optimization of MBE Growth Conditions of In0.52Al0.48As Waveguide Layers for InGaAs/InAlAs/InP Quantum Cascade Lasers
P Gutowski, I Sankowska, T Slupinski, D Pierścińska, K Pierściński, A ...
Materials 12 (10), 1621, 2019
Photo-carrier-induced magnetism in (In, Mn) As/GaSb magnetic alloy semiconductor heterostructures
H Munekata, A Oiwa, T Slupinski
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 13 (2-4), 516-520, 2002
Interlayer coupling in (In, Mn) As/InAs/(In, Mn) As magnetic semiconductor trilayer structures
S Yanagi, H Munekata, Y Kitamoto, A Oiwa, T Slupinski
Journal of applied physics 91 (10), 7902-7904, 2002
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Articles 1–20