Dan Shen
Dan Shen
Chief Scientist of Intelligent Fusion
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Scalable sentiment classification for big data analysis using naive bayes classifier
B Liu, E Blasch, Y Chen, D Shen, G Chen
2013 IEEE international conference on big data, 99-104, 2013
Game theoretic approach to threat prediction and situation awareness
G Chen, D Shen, C Kwan, JB Cruz, M Kruger
2006 9th international conference on information fusion, 1-8, 2006
Cooperative space object tracking using space-based optical sensors via consensus-based filters
B Jia, KD Pham, E Blasch, D Shen, Z Wang, G Chen
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 52 (4), 1908-1936, 2016
Information fusion in a cloud computing era: a systems-level perspective
B Liu, Y Chen, A Hadiks, E Blasch, A Aved, D Shen, G Chen
IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine 29 (10), 16-24, 2014
A holistic cloud-enabled robotics system for real-time video tracking application
B Liu, Y Chen, E Blasch, K Pham, D Shen, G Chen
Future Information Technology: FutureTech 2013, 455-468, 2014
Context aided video-to-text information fusion
E Blasch, J Nagy, A Aved, EK Jones, WM Pottenger, A Basharat, A Hoogs, ...
17th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), 1-8, 2014
A game theoretic data fusion aided path planning approach for cooperative UAV ISR
D Shen, G Chen, JB Cruz, E Blasch
2008 IEEE Aerospace Conference, 1-9, 2008
Pursuit-evasion orbital game for satellite interception and collision avoidance
D Shen, K Pham, E Blasch, H Chen, G Chen
Sensors and Systems for Space Applications IV 8044, 89-97, 2011
Adaptive Markov game theoretic data fusion approach for cyber network defense
D Shen, G Chen, E Blasch, G Tadda
MILCOM 2007-IEEE Military Communications Conference, 1-7, 2007
Orbital satellite pursuit-evasion game-theoretical control
EP Blasch, K Pham, D Shen
2012 11th International Conference on Information Science, Signal Processing …, 2012
A markov game theoretic data fusion approach for cyber situational awareness
D Shen, G Chen, JB Cruz Jr, L Haynes, M Kruger, E Blasch
Multisensor, Multisource Information Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and …, 2007
Space object classification using deep neural networks
B Jia, KD Pham, E Blasch, Z Wang, D Shen, G Chen
2018 IEEE Aerospace Conference, 1-8, 2018
Vehicle detection in wide area aerial surveillance using temporal context
P Liang, H Ling, E Blasch, G Seetharaman, D Shen, G Chen
Proceedings of the 16th international conference on information fusion, 181-188, 2013
Encoding strategy for maximum noise tolerance bidirectional associative memory
D Shen, JB Cruz
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 16 (2), 293-300, 2005
Network survivability oriented Markov games (NSOMG) in wideband satellite communications
D Shen, G Chen, G Wang, K Pham, E Blasch, Z Tian
2014 IEEE/AIAA 33rd Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 6C2-1-6C2-9, 2014
Information fusion in a cloud-enabled environment
E Blasch, Y Chen, G Chen, D Shen, R Kohler
High performance cloud auditing and applications, 91-115, 2013
Simulation study of unmanned aerial vehicle communication networks addressing bandwidth disruptions
S Wei, L Ge, W Yu, G Chen, K Pham, E Blasch, D Shen, C Lu
Sensors and Systems for Space Applications VII 9085, 164-173, 2014
A joint manifold leaning-based framework for heterogeneous upstream data fusion
D Shen, E Blasch, P Zulch, M Distasio, R Niu, J Lu, Z Wang, G Chen
Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology 12 (4), 311-332, 2018
Scheduling methods for unmanned aerial vehicle based delivery systems
H Zhang, S Wei, W Yu, E Blasch, G Chen, D Shen, K Pham
2014 IEEE/AIAA 33rd Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 6C1-1-6C1-9, 2014
Video-based activity analysis using the L1 tracker on VIRAT data
E Blasch, Z Wang, H Ling, K Palaniappan, G Chen, D Shen, A Aved, ...
2013 IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop (AIPR), 1-8, 2013
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