John Wixted
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Cited by
Distributed practice in verbal recall tasks: A review and quantitative synthesis.
NJ Cepeda, H Pashler, E Vul, JT Wixted, D Rohrer
Psychological bulletin 132 (3), 354, 2006
The psychology and neuroscience of forgetting
JT Wixted
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 55 (1), 235-269, 2004
Recognition memory and the medial temporal lobe: a new perspective
LR Squire, JT Wixted, RE Clark
Nature Reviews Neuroscience 8 (11), 872-883, 2007
Dual-process theory and signal-detection theory of recognition memory.
JT Wixted
Psychological review 114 (1), 152, 2007
Memory consolidation
LR Squire, L Genzel, JT Wixted, RG Morris
Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in biology 7 (8), a021766, 2015
Spacing effects in learning: A temporal ridgeline of optimal retention
NJ Cepeda, E Vul, D Rohrer, JT Wixted, H Pashler
Psychological science 19 (11), 1095-1102, 2008
The cognitive neuroscience of human memory since HM
LR Squire, JT Wixted
Annual review of neuroscience 34 (1), 259-288, 2011
On the form of forgetting
JT Wixted, EB Ebbesen
Psychological science 2 (6), 409-415, 1991
An analysis of social competence in schizophrenia
AS Bellack, RL Morrison, JT Wixted, KT Mueser
British journal of Psychiatry 156 (6), 809-818, 1990
The relationship between eyewitness confidence and identification accuracy: A new synthesis
JT Wixted, GL Wells
Psychological Science in the Public Interest 18 (1), 10-65, 2017
When does feedback facilitate learning of words?
H Pashler, NJ Cepeda, JT Wixted, D Rohrer
Journal of experimental psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 31 (1), 3, 2005
A continuous dual-process model of remember/know judgments.
JT Wixted, L Mickes
Psychological review 117 (4), 1025, 2010
Optimizing distributed practice: Theoretical analysis and practical implications
NJ Cepeda, N Coburn, D Rohrer, JT Wixted, MC Mozer, H Pashler
Experimental psychology 56 (4), 236-246, 2009
In defense of the signal detection interpretation of remember/know judgments
JT Wixted, V Stretch
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 11, 616-641, 2004
Policy and procedure recommendations for the collection and preservation of eyewitness identification evidence.
GL Wells, MB Kovera, AB Douglass, N Brewer, CA Meissner, JT Wixted
Law and human behavior 44 (1), 3, 2020
The effects of tests on learning and forgetting
SK Carpenter, H Pashler, JT Wixted, E Vul
Memory & cognition 36 (2), 438-448, 2008
Genuine power curves in forgetting: A quantitative analysis of individual subject forgetting functions
JT Wixted, EB Ebbesen
Memory & cognition 25, 731-739, 1997
Receiver operating characteristic analysis of eyewitness memory: comparing the diagnostic accuracy of simultaneous versus sequential lineups.
L Mickes, HD Flowe, JT Wixted
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 18 (4), 361, 2012
On the difference between strength-based and frequency-based mirror effects in recognition memory.
V Stretch, JT Wixted
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 24 (6), 1379, 1998
The hippocampus supports both the recollection and the familiarity components of recognition memory
PE Wais, JT Wixted, RO Hopkins, LR Squire
Neuron 49 (3), 459-466, 2006
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Articles 1–20