Piotr Nyga
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Cited by
Mid-infrared Q-switched Er: YAG laser for medical applications
M Skorczakowski, J Swiderski, W Pichola, P Nyga, A Zajac, ...
Laser Physics Letters 7 (7), 498, 2010
Colors with plasmonic nanostructures: A full-spectrum review
M Song, D Wang, S Peana, S Choudhury, P Nyga, ZA Kudyshev, H Yu, ...
Applied Physics Reviews 6 (4), 041308, 2019
Electrooptically Q-switched mid-infrared Er: YAG laser for medical applications
A Zajac, M Skorczakowski, J Swiderski, P Nyga
Optics Express 12 (21), 5125-5130, 2004
Application of Turkevich Method for Gold Nanoparticles Synthesis to Fabrication of SiO2@ Au and TiO2@ Au Core-Shell Nanostructures
P Dobrowolska, A Krajewska, M Gajda-Rączka, B Bartosewicz, P Nyga, ...
Materials 8 (6), 2849-2862, 2015
Enhancement of spontaneous and stimulated emission of a rhodamine 6g dye by an ag aggregate
MA Noginov, G Zhu, M Bahoura, CE Small, C Davison, J Adegoke, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (18), 184203, 2006
FDTD modeling of realistic semicontinuous metal films
UK Chettiar, P Nyga, MD Thoreson, AV Kildishev, VP Drachev, ...
Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 100 (1), 159-168, 2010
Preparation and properties of silica-gold core-shell particles
J Choma, A Dziura, D Jamiola, P Nyga, M Jaroniec
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 373, 167-171, 2010
Mid-IR plasmonics and photomodification with Ag films
P Nyga, VP Drachev, MD Thoreson, VM Shalaev
Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 93 (1), 59-68, 2008
Electrochemical synthesis and characterization of dark nanoporous zinc oxide films
K Mika, RP Socha, P Nyga, E Wiercigroch, K Małek, M Jarosz, T Uchacz, ...
Electrochimica Acta 305, 349-359, 2019
Fabrication and realistic modeling of three-dimensional metal-dielectric composites
MD Thoreson, J Fang, AV Kildishev, LJ Prokopeva, P Nyga, UK Chettiar, ...
Journal of Nanophotonics 5 (1), 051513-051513-17, 2011
Absorption Enhancement in Peridinin–Chlorophyll–Protein Light-Harvesting Complexes Coupled to Semicontinuous Silver Film
N Czechowski, P Nyga, MK Schmidt, THP Brotosudarmo, H Scheer, ...
Plasmonics 7, 115–121, 2012
Lithography-free plasmonic color printing with femtosecond laser on semicontinuous silver films
SN Chowdhury, P Nyga, ZA Kudyshev, E Garcia Bravo, AS Lagutchev, ...
ACS Photonics 8 (2), 521-530, 2021
Ethanol-based electrolyte for nanotubular anodic TiO2 formation
M Michalska-Domańska, P Nyga, M Czerwiński
Corrosion Science 134, 99-102, 2018
Laser-induced color printing on semicontinuous silver films: red, green and blue
P Nyga, SN Chowdhury, Z Kudyshev, MD Thoreson, AV Kildishev, ...
Optical Materials Express 9 (3), 1528-1538, 2019
Studies on Metal-Dielectric Plasmonic Structures
MD Thoreson, Z Liu, UK Chettiar, P Nyga, AV Kildishev, VP Drachev, ...
Synthesis of rod-like silica-gold core-shell structures
J Choma, D Jamioła, P Nyga, M Jaroniec
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 393, 37-41, 2012
Simulation of a tunable metamaterial with nematic liquid crystal layers
R Kowerdziej, J Parka, P Nyga, B Salski
Liquid Crystals 38 (3), 377-379, 2011
30 mJ, TEM00, high repetition rate, mechanically Q-switched Er:YAG laser operating at 2940 nm
M Skórczakowski, W Pichola, J Šwiderski, P Nyga, L Galecki, ...
Opto-Electronics Review 19, 206-210, 2011
Silica nanoparticles as a tool for fluorescence collection efficiency enhancement
B Krajnik, M Gajda-Rączka, D Piątkowski, P Nyga, B Jankiewicz, ...
Nanoscale research letters 8 (1), 146, 2013
Tunable Liquid Crystalline Metamaterial Structure in GHz Range
R Kowerdziej, J Parka, P Nyga
Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 545 (1), 91/[1315]-95/[1319], 2011
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Articles 1–20