J. M. Solano-Altamirano
J. M. Solano-Altamirano
Faculty of Chemistry, Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla
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Infinite penetration of a projectile into a granular medium
F Pacheco-Vázquez, GA Caballero-Robledo, JM Solano-Altamirano, ...
Physical review letters 106 (21), 218001, 2011
DensToolKit: A comprehensive open-source package for analyzing the electron density and its derivative scalar and vector fields
JM Solano-Altamirano, JM Hernández-Pérez
Computer Physics Communications 196, 362-371, 2015
Gas bubble dynamics in soft materials
JM Solano-Altamirano, JD Malcolm, S Goldman
Soft matter 11 (1), 202-210, 2015
Experimental and theoretical study of methyl n-hydroxybenzoates
JM Ledo, H Flores, JM Solano-Altamirano, F Ramos, ...
The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 124, 1-9, 2018
AltitudeOmics: effect of reduced barometric pressure on detection of intrapulmonary shunt, pulmonary gas exchange efficiency, and total pulmonary resistance
FA Petrassi, JT Davis, KM Beasley, O Evero, JE Elliott, RD Goodman, ...
Journal of Applied Physiology 124 (5), 1363-1376, 2018
The lifetimes of small arterial gas emboli, and their possible connection to Inner Ear Decompression Sickness
JM Solano-Altamirano, S Goldman
Mathematical Biosciences 252, 27-35, 2014
Flow-mediated coupling on projectiles falling within a superlight granular medium
JM Solano-Altamirano, GA Caballero-Robledo, F Pacheco-Vázquez, ...
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 88 (3 …, 2013
Gas Bubble Dynamics in the Human Body
S Goldman, M Solano-Altamirano, K Ledez
Academic Press, 2017
Gas-phase enthalpies of formation of ethyl hydroxybenzoates: an experimental and theoretical approach
JM Ledo, H Flores, JM Hernández-Pérez, F Ramos, EA Camarillo, ...
The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2017
Decompression sickness in breath-hold diving, and its probable connection to the growth and dissolution of small arterial gas emboli
S Goldman, JM Solano-Altamirano
Mathematical Biosciences 262, 1-9, 2015
Benzocaine: A comprehensive thermochemical study
JM Ledo, H Flores, VLS Freitas, JM Solano-Altamirano, ...
The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 147, 106119, 2020
Thermochemical study of methyl n-methoxybenzoates: An experimental and computational approach
H Flores, JM Ledo, EA Camarillo, JM Solano-Altamirano, ...
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 64 (5), 1898-1908, 2019
Thermal and structural properties of ethyl 2-and 3-aminobenzoates: Experimental and computational approaches
JM Ledo, H Flores, VLS Freitas, JM Solano-Altamirano, ...
The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 133, 93-99, 2019
Laser Spot Detection Based on Reaction Diffusion
A Vázquez-Otero, D Khikhlukha, JM Solano-Altamirano, R Dormido, ...
Sensors 16 (3), 315-326, 2016
Experimental and Theoretical Thermochemical Study of Nitrobenzaldehyde Isomers
A Ximello, F Ramos, A Rojas, JM Hernandez-Perez, EA Camarillo, ...
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 65 (10), 4935-4945, 2020
Can an n(O) → π* Interaction Provide Thermodynamic Stability to Naturally Occurring Cephalosporolides?
J Sandoval-Lira, JM Solano-Altamirano, O Cortezano-Arellano, ...
The Journal of Organic Chemistry 84 (4), 2126-2132, 2019
Experimental and computational thermochemistry of 3-and 4-nitrophthalic acids
MA García-Castro, P Amador, A Rojas, JM Hernández-Pérez, ...
The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 127, 117-125, 2018
An explicitly multi-component arterial gas embolus dissolves much more slowly than its one-component approximation
S Goldman, JM Solano-Altamirano
Mathematical Biosciences 326, 108393, 2020
The dynamics of the angular and radial density correlation scaling exponents in fractal to non-fractal morphodynamics
JR Nicolás-Carlock, JM Solano-Altamirano, JL Carrillo-Estrada
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 133, 109649, 2020
Using spherical-harmonics expansions for optics surface reconstruction from gradients
JM Solano-Altamirano, A Vázquez-Otero, D Khikhlukha, R Dormido, ...
Sensors 17 (12), 2780, 2017
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Articles 1–20