Maria E. Mayorga
Maria E. Mayorga
Professor, Industrial and Systems Engineering, North Carolina State University
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Cited by
Joint location and dispatching decisions for emergency medical services
H Toro-Díaz, ME Mayorga, S Chanta, LA McLay
Computers & Industrial Engineering 64 (4), 917-928, 2013
Improving emergency service in rural areas: a bi-objective covering location model for EMS systems
S Chanta, ME Mayorga, LA McLay
Annals of Operations Research 221, 133-159, 2014
Evaluating emergency medical service performance measures
LA McLay, ME Mayorga
Health care management science 13, 124-136, 2010
Declining liver graft quality threatens the future of liver transplantation in the United States
ES Orman, ME Mayorga, SB Wheeler, RM Townsley, HH Toro‐Diaz, ...
Liver Transplantation 21 (8), 1040-1050, 2015
A dispatching model for server-to-customer systems that balances efficiency and equity
LA McLay, ME Mayorga
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 15 (2), 205-220, 2013
A model for optimally dispatching ambulances to emergency calls with classification errors in patient priorities
LA McLay, ME Mayorga
IIE Transactions 45 (1), 1-24, 2013
Priority dispatching strategies for EMS systems
D Bandara, ME Mayorga, LA McLay
Journal of the Operational Research Society 65 (4), 572-587, 2014
Association of simulated COVID-19 vaccination and nonpharmaceutical interventions with infections, hospitalizations, and mortality
MD Patel, E Rosenstrom, JS Ivy, ME Mayorga, P Keskinocak, RM Boyce, ...
JAMA network open 4 (6), e2110782-e2110782, 2021
Real-time ambulance dispatching and relocation
AA Nasrollahzadeh, A Khademi, ME Mayorga
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 20 (3), 467-480, 2018
Maternal pre-pregnancy weight and gestational weight gain and their association with birthweight with a focus on racial differences
KJ Hunt, MC Alanis, ER Johnson, ME Mayorga, JE Korte
Maternal and child health journal 17, 85-94, 2013
Optimal dispatching strategies for emergency vehicles to increase patient survivability
D Bandara, ME Mayorga, LA McLay
International Journal of Operational Research 15 (2), 195-214, 2012
The minimum p-envy location problem: a new model for equitable distribution of emergency resources
S Chanta, ME Mayorga, ME Kurz, LA McLay
IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering 1 (2), 101-115, 2011
A nested-compliance table policy for emergency medical service systems under relocation
K Sudtachat, ME Mayorga, LA Mclay
Omega 58, 154-168, 2016
Real-time ambulance redeployment approach to improve service coverage with fair and restricted workload for EMS providers
S Enayati, ME Mayorga, HK Rajagopalan, C Saydam
Omega 79, 67-80, 2018
Modeling equity for allocating public resources
PD Leclerc, LA McLay, ME Mayorga
Community-based operations research: Decision modeling for local impact and …, 2011
Coverage, survivability or response time: A comparative study of performance statistics used in ambulance location models via simulation–optimization
MA Zaffar, HK Rajagopalan, C Saydam, M Mayorga, E Sharer
Operations research for health care 11, 1-12, 2016
Objective measures of workload in healthcare: a narrative review
D Fishbein, S Nambiar, K McKenzie, M Mayorga, K Miller, K Tran, ...
International journal of health care quality assurance 33 (1), 1-17, 2020
Identifying trade‐offs in equity and efficiency for simultaneously optimizing location and multipriority dispatch of ambulances
S Enayati, ME Mayorga, H Toro‐Díaz, LA Albert
International Transactions in Operational Research 26 (2), 415-438, 2019
Districting and dispatching policies for emergency medical service systems to improve patient survival
ME Mayorga, D Bandara, LA McLay
IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering 3 (1), 39-56, 2013
The optimal assignment of spontaneous volunteers
ME Mayorga, EJ Lodree, J Wolczynski
Journal of the Operational Research Society 68 (9), 1106-1116, 2017
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Articles 1–20