Jesús Daniel Santos Rodríguez
Jesús Daniel Santos Rodríguez
Universidad de Oviedo. Departamento de Física. Grupo de Modelización Matemática Aplicada.
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Cited by
Martensitic phase transformation in rapidly solidified Mn50Ni40In10 alloy ribbons
JL Sánchez Llamazares, T Sanchez, JD Santos, MJ Pérez, ML Sanchez, ...
Applied Physics Letters 92 (1), 2008
Magnetocaloric effect in melt spun Ni50. 3Mn35. 5Sn14. 4 ribbons
B Hernando, JL Sánchez Llamazares, JD Santos, VM Prida, D Baldomir, ...
Applied Physics Letters 92 (13), 2008
Microstructure and magnetic properties of Ni50Mn37Sn13 Heusler alloy ribbons
JD Santos, T Sanchez, P Alvarez, ML Sanchez, JL Sánchez Llamazares, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 103 (7), 2008
Grain oriented NiMnSn and NiMnIn Heusler alloys ribbons produced by melt spinning: Martensitic transformation and magnetic properties
B Hernando, JLS Llamazares, JD Santos, ML Sánchez, L Escoda, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 321 (7), 763-768, 2009
Thermal and magnetic field-induced martensite-austenite transition in Ni50. 3Mn35. 3Sn14. 4 ribbons
B Hernando, JL Llamazares, JD Santos, L Escoda, JJ Suñol, R Varga, ...
Applied Physics Letters 92 (4), 2008
Supernova model discrimination with Hyper-Kamiokande
K Abe, P Adrich, H Aihara, R Akutsu, I Alekseev, A Ali, F Ameli, I Anghel, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 916 (1), 15, 2021
Experience with wavefront sensor and deformable mirror interfaces for wide-field adaptive optics systems
AG Basden, D Atkinson, NA Bharmal, U Bitenc, M Brangier, T Buey, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 459 (2), 1350-1359, 2016
Magnetocaloric effect in nanogranular glass coated microwires
MI Ilyn, V Zhukova, JD Santos, ML Sánchez, VM Prida, B Hernando, ...
physica status solidi (a) 205 (6), 1378-1381, 2008
Comparative study of neural network frameworks for the next generation of adaptive optics systems
C González-Gutiérrez, JD Santos, M Martínez-Zarzuela, AG Basden, ...
Sensors 17 (6), 1263, 2017
Improving adaptive optics reconstructions with a deep learning approach
SL Suárez Gómez, C González-Gutiérrez, E Díez Alonso, ...
Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems: 13th International Conference, HAIS …, 2018
The substitution effect of chromium on the magnetic properties of (Fe1− xCrx) 80Si6B14 metallic glasses (0.02≤ x≤ 0.14)
P Álvarez-Alonso, JD Santos, MJ Pérez, CF Sánchez-Valdes, ...
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 347, 75-78, 2013
Kinetics of crystallization of FeB-based amorphous alloys studied by neutron thermo-diffractometry
A Fernandez-Martinez, P Gorria, GJ Cuello, JD Santos, MJ Pérez
Journal of non-crystalline solids 353 (8-10), 855-858, 2007
Stress relief and magnetic properties of magnetostrictive Fe79B16Si5 amorphous magnetic ribbons
M Tejedor, JA Garcı́a, J Carrizo, L Elbaile, JD Santos
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 202 (2-3), 485-491, 1999
Analysis of the temporal structure evolution of physical systems with the self-organising tree algorithm (SOTA): application for validating neural network systems on adaptive …
SL Suárez Gómez, JD Santos Rodríguez, FJ Iglesias Rodríguez, ...
Entropy 19 (3), 103, 2017
Magnetic domain structure of amorphous Fe73. 5Si13. 5B9Nb3Cu1 wires under torsional stress
B Hernando, ML Sánchez, VM Prida, JD Santos, J Olivera, FJ Belzunce, ...
Journal of applied physics 103 (7), 2008
Experience with artificial neural networks applied in multi-object adaptive optics
SLS Gómez, C González-Gutiérrez, ED Alonso, JD Santos, ...
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 131 (1004), 108012, 2019
Induced magnetic anisotropy in amorphous ribbons by applying a magnetic field during the quenching process
M Tejedor, JA Garcıa, J Carrizo, L Elbaile, JD Santos
Applied physics letters 82 (6), 937-939, 2003
Analysing the performance of a tomographic reconstructor with different neural networks frameworks
SLS Gómez, CG Gutiérrez, JDS Rodríguez, MLS Rodríguez, FS Lasheras, ...
Intelligent Systems Design and Applications: 16th International Conference …, 2017
Exchange bias behavior in Ni50. 0Mn35. 5 In14. 5 ribbons annealed at different temperatures
T Sánchez, RS Turtelli, R Grössinger, ML Sánchez, JD Santos, WO Rosa, ...
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 324 (21), 3535-3537, 2012
Template-assisted CoPd nanowire arrays: magnetic properties and FORC analysis
V Vega, WO Rosa, J García, T Sánchez, JD Santos, F Béron, KR Pirota, ...
Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology 12 (6), 4736-4743, 2012
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Articles 1–20