Mustafa A. Kishk
Mustafa A. Kishk
Assistant Professor, Maynooth University
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Cited by
Aerial base station deployment in 6G cellular networks using tethered drones: The mobility and endurance tradeoff
M Kishk, A Bader, MS Alouini
IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine 15 (4), 103-111, 2020
Exploiting randomly located blockages for large-scale deployment of intelligent surfaces
MA Kishk, MS Alouini
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 39 (4), 1043-1056, 2020
Artificial intelligence for UAV-enabled wireless networks: A survey
MA Lahmeri, MA Kishk, MS Alouini
IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society 2, 1015-1040, 2021
Stochastic geometry-based analysis of LEO satellite communication systems
A Talgat, MA Kishk, MS Alouini
IEEE Communications Letters 25 (8), 2458-2462, 2020
Optimal deployment of tethered drones for maximum cellular coverage in user clusters
OM Bushnaq, MA Kishk, A Celik, MS Alouini, TY Al-Naffouri
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 20 (3), 2092-2108, 2020
On the 3-D placement of airborne base stations using tethered UAVs
MA Kishk, A Bader, MS Alouini
IEEE Transactions on Communications 68 (8), 5202-5215, 2020
Ultra-dense LEO satellite-based communication systems: A novel modeling technique
R Wang, MA Kishk, MS Alouini
IEEE Communications Magazine 60 (4), 25-31, 2022
Nearest neighbor and contact distance distribution for binomial point process on spherical surfaces
A Talgat, MA Kishk, MS Alouini
IEEE Communications Letters 24 (12), 2659-2663, 2020
Performance evaluation of UAV-enabled cellular networks with battery-limited drones
Y Qin, MA Kishk, MS Alouini
IEEE Communications Letters 24 (12), 2664-2668, 2020
Stochastic geometry-based analysis of airborne base stations with laser-powered UAVs
MA Lahmeri, MA Kishk, MS Alouini
IEEE Communications Letters 24 (1), 173-177, 2019
A survey on integrated access and backhaul networks
Y Zhang, MA Kishk, MS Alouini
Frontiers in Communications and Networks 2, 647284, 2021
Joint uplink and downlink coverage analysis of cellular-based RF-powered IoT network
MA Kishk, HS Dhillon
IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking 2 (2), 446-459, 2017
Post-disaster communications: Enabling technologies, architectures, and open challenges
M Matracia, N Saeed, MA Kishk, MS Alouini
IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society 3, 1177-1205, 2022
Stochastic geometry-based low latency routing in massive LEO satellite networks
R Wang, MA Kishk, MS Alouini
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 58 (5), 3881-3894, 2022
Charging techniques for UAV-assisted data collection: Is laser power beaming the answer?
MA Lahmeri, MA Kishk, MS Alouini
IEEE Communications Magazine 60 (5), 50-56, 2022
Coverage analysis for UAV-assisted cellular networks in rural areas
M Matracia, MA Kishk, MS Alouini
IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology 2, 194-206, 2021
Evaluating the accuracy of stochastic geometry based models for LEO satellite networks analysis
R Wang, MA Kishk, MS Alouini
IEEE Communications Letters 26 (10), 2440-2444, 2022
Joint energy and SINR coverage in spatially clustered RF-powered IoT network
MA Abd-Elmagid, MA Kishk, HS Dhillon
IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking 3 (1), 132-146, 2018
Space-air-ground-sea integrated networks: Modeling and coverage analysis
J Xu, MA Kishk, MS Alouini
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 22 (9), 6298-6313, 2023
On the topological aspects of UAV-assisted post-disaster wireless communication networks
M Matracia, MA Kishk, MS Alouini
IEEE Communications Magazine 59 (11), 59-64, 2021
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Articles 1–20