A toothful of concepts: Towards a theory of weighted concept combination D Porello, O Kutz, G Righetti, N Troquard, P Galliani, C Masolo
41 2019 On knowledge dependence in weighted description logic P Galliani, O Kutz, D Porello, G Righetti, N Troquard
GCAI 2019. Proceedings of the 5th Global Conference on Artificial …, 2019
25 2019 Perceptron connectives in knowledge representation P Galliani, G Righetti, O Kutz, D Porello, N Troquard
Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management: 22nd International …, 2020
21 2020 Pink panthers and toothless tigers: Three problems in classification G Righetti, D Porello, O Kutz, N Troquard, C Masolo
21 2019 Towards even more irresistible axiom weakening R Confalonieri, P Galliani, O Kutz, D Porello, G Righetti, N Toquard
20 2020 Asymmetric hybrids: Dialogues for computational concept combination G Righetti, D Porello, N Troquard, O Kutz, M Hedblom, P Galliani
Formal Ontology in Information Systems: Proceedings of the Twelfth …, 2022
13 2022 Free Description Logic for Ontologists. F Neuhaus, O Kutz, G Righetti
JOWO, 2020
8 2020 Concept combination in weighted logic G Righetti, C Masolo, N Troquard, O Kutz, D Porello
Proceedings of the Joint Ontology Workshops 2021Episode VII: The Bolzano …, 2021
7 2021 Towards Knowledge-driven Distillation and Explanation of Black-box Models. R Confalonieri, G Righetti, P Galliani, N Toquard, O Kutz, D Porello
6 2021 Weighted description logic for classification problems G Righetti, P Galliani, O Kutz, D Porello, C Masolo, N Troquard
interpretation (ie, the extension) 1, 1, 2019
6 2019 Almost Certain Termination for Weakening R Confalonieri, P Galliani, O Kutz, D Porello, G Righetti, N Troquard
EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 663-675, 2022
5 2022 A Game of Essence and Serendipity: Superb Owls vs. Whisking Woodpeckers G Righetti, O Kutz, D Porello
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computational Creativity …, 2022
5 2022 Deciphering The Cookie Monster: A Case Study in Impossible Combinations. MM Hedblom, G Righetti, O Kutz
ICCC, 222-225, 2021
5 2021 Concept Combination in Weighted DL G Righetti, P Galliani, C Masolo
European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence, 385-401, 2023
4 2023 Evaluating the interpretability of threshold operators G Righetti, D Porello, R Confalonieri
International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management …, 2022
4 2022 It Is What It Tends to Do: Defining Qualitative Parameter Regions by Their Effects on Physical Behavior. M Pomarlan, G Righetti, JA Bateman
ISD, 2022
1 2022 Two knowledge-driven approaches to explaining black-box models R Confalonieri, P Galliani, O Kutz, D Porello, G Righetti, N Troquard
Proc. of Explainable Logic-Based Knowledge Representation (XLoKR 2020), 2020
1 2020 Combining concepts: integrating logical and cognitive theories of concepts G Righetti
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, 0
1 Improving the Accuracy of Black-Box Language Models with Ontologies: A Preliminary Roadmap M Monti, O Kutz, G Righetti, N Troquard