Adriana Hanulíková
Adriana Hanulíková
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When one person's mistake is another's standard usage: The effect of foreign accent on syntactic processing
A Hanulíková, PM van Alphen, MM van Goch, A Weber
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 24 (4), 878-887, 2012
Norms on the gender perception of role nouns in Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, and Slovak
J Misersky, PM Gygax, P Canal, U Gabriel, A Garnham, F Braun, ...
Behavior research methods 46, 841-871, 2014
Sink positive: Linguistic experience with th substitutions influences nonnative word recognition
A Hanulíková, A Weber
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 74 (3), 613-629, 2012
Implicit processing of phonotactic cues: evidence from electrophysiological and vascular responses
S Rossi, IB Jürgenson, A Hanulíková, S Telkemeyer, I Wartenburger, ...
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 23 (7), 1752-1764, 2011
Individual Differences in the Acquisition of a Complex L2 Phonology: A Training Study
A Hanulíková, D Dediu, Z Fang, J Bašnaková, F Huettig
Language Learning 62 (s2), 79-109, 2012
A Hanulíková, S Hamann
Journal of the International Phonetic Association 40 (3), 373-378, 2010
Production of English interdental fricatives by Dutch, German, and English speakers
A Hanulikova, A Weber
New sounds: Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on the …, 2010
Processing of unfamiliar accents in monolingual and bilingual children: Effects of type and amount of accent experience
H Levy, L Konieczny, A Hanulíková
Journal of Child Language 46 (2), 368-392, 2019
Possible words and fixed stress in the segmentation of Slovak speech
A Hanulikova, JM McQueen, H Mitterer
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 63 (3), 555-579, 2010
Electrophysiology of subject-verb agreement mediated by speakers’ gender
A Hanulíková, M Carreiras
Frontiers in Psychology 6, 153644, 2015
Effects of first and second language on segmentation of non-native speech
A Hanulikova, H Mitterer, JM McQueen
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 14 (4), 506-521, 2011
Do faces speak volumes? Social expectations in speech comprehension and evaluation across three age groups
A Hanulíková
Plos One 16 (10), e0259230, 2021
Editorial: Perceptual linguistic salience: Modeling causes and consequences
A Blumenthal-Dramé, A Hanulíková, B Kortmann
Frontiers in Psychology 8, 411, 2017
Variation in children’s vowel production: Effects of language exposure and lexical frequency
H Levy, A Hanulíková
Laboratory Phonology: Journal of the Association for Laboratory Phonology 10 (1), 2019
The effect of perceived ethnicity on spoken text comprehension under clear and adverse listening conditions
A Hanulíková
Linguistics Vanguard 4 (1), 20170029, 2018
Social/dialogical roles of social robots in supporting children’s learning of language and literacy—A review and analysis of innovative roles
KJ Rohlfing, N Altvater-Mackensen, N Caruana, R van den Berghe, ...
Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 2022
Bewertung und Grammatikalität regionaler Syntax. Eine empirische Untersuchung zur Rolle der SprecherInnen und HörerInnen
A Hanulíková
Linguistik Online 98 (5), 197-218, 2019
Speech Errors in the Production of Initial Consonant Clusters: The Roles of Frequency and Sonority
S Wulfert, P Auer, A Hanulíková
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 65 (10), 3709-3729, 2022
Lexical Adaptation to a Novel Accent in German: A Comparison Between German, Swedish, and Finnish Listeners.
A Hanulíková, J Ekström
INTERSPEECH, 1784-1788, 2017
Spot it and learn it! Word learning in virtual peer-group interactions using a novel paradigm for school-aged children
H Levy, A Hanulíková
Language Learning 73 (1), 197-230, 2023
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Articles 1–20