Fred Charles
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Character-based interactive storytelling
M Cavazza, F Charles, SJ Mead
Intelligent Systems, IEEE 17 (4), 17-24, 2002
Interacting with virtual characters in interactive storytelling
M Cavazza, F Charles, SJ Mead
Proceedings of the first international joint conference on Autonomous agents …, 2002
Applying planning to interactive storytelling: Narrative control using state constraints
J Porteous, M Cavazza, F Charles
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST) 1 (2), 1-21, 2010
Madame bovary on the holodeck: immersive interactive storytelling
M Cavazza, JL Lugrin, D Pizzi, F Charles
Proceedings of the 15th ACM international conference on Multimedia, 651-660, 2007
Planning formalisms and authoring in interactive storytelling
F Charles, M Lozano, S Mead, AF Bisquerra, M Cavazza
Technologies for interactive digital storytelling and entertainment, TIDSE …, 2003
Planning characters' behaviour in interactive storytelling
M Cavazza, F Charles, SJ Mead
The Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 13 (2), 121-131, 2002
Dialogue generation in character-based interactive storytelling
M Cavazza, F Charles
AAAI First Annual Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital …, 2005
Emotional input for character-based interactive storytelling
M Cavazza, D Pizzi, F Charles, T Vogt, E André
Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and …, 2009
Characters in Search of an author: AI-based Virtual Storytelling
M Cavazza, F Charles, SJ Mead
International Conference on Virtual Storytelling, 145-154, 2001
Agents’ interaction in virtual storytelling
M Cavazza, F Charles, SJ Mead
Intelligent Virtual Agents: Third International Workshop, IVA 2001 Madrid …, 2001
Interactive storytelling with literary feelings
D Pizzi, F Charles, JL Lugrin, M Cavazza
Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction: Second International …, 2007
Narrative generation through characters' point of view.
J Porteous, M Cavazza, F Charles
AAMAS, 1297-1304, 2010
Exploring passive user interaction for adaptive narratives
S Gilroy, J Porteous, F Charles, M Cavazza
Proceedings of the 2012 ACM international conference on Intelligent User …, 2012
Multimodal acting in mixed reality interactive storytelling
M Cavazza, F Charles, SJ Mead, O Martin, X Marichal, A Nandi
IEEE MultiMedia 11 (3), 30-39, 2004
Emergent situations in interactive storytelling
M Cavazza, F Charles, SJ Mead
Proceedings of the 2002 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 1080-1085, 2002
NetworkING: using character relationships for interactive narrative generation
J Porteous, F Charles, M Cavazza
Proceedings of the 2013 international conference on Autonomous agents and …, 2013
Affective Interaction with a Virtual Character Through an fNIRS Brain-Computer Interface
G Aranyi, F Pecune, F Charles, C Pelachaud, M Cavazza
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 10, 70, 2016
Immersive fps games: User experience and performance
JL Lugrin, M Cavazza, F Charles, M Le Renard, J Freeman, J Lessiter
Proceedings of the 2013 ACM international workshop on Immersive media …, 2013
A Brain-Computer Interface to a Plan-Based Narrative.
SW Gilroy, J Porteous, F Charles, M Cavazza, E Soreq, G Raz, L Ikar, ...
IJCAI, 1997-2005, 2013
Character-driven story generation in interactive storytelling
F Charles, SJ Mead, M Cavazza
Proceedings Seventh International Conference on Virtual Systems and …, 2001
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