Esa Hyytiä
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Cited by
Spatial node distribution of the random waypoint mobility model with applications
E Hyytiä, P Lassila, J Virtamo
IEEE Transactions on mobile computing 5 (6), 680-694, 2006
Random waypoint mobility model in cellular networks
E Hyytiä, J Virtamo
Wireless Networks 13 (2), 177-188, 2007
Reducing latency via redundant requests: Exact analysis
K Gardner, S Zbarsky, S Doroudi, M Harchol-Balter, E Hyytia
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 43 (1), 347-360, 2015
Floating content: Information sharing in urban areas
J Ott, E Hyytiä, P Lassila, T Vaegs, J Kangasharju
2011 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications …, 2011
Optimal degree distribution for LT codes with small message length
E Hyytia, T Tirronen, J Virtamo
IEEE INFOCOM 2007-26th IEEE International Conference on Computer …, 2007
When does content float? characterizing availability of anchored information in opportunistic content sharing
E Hyytiä, J Virtamo, P Lassila, J Kangasharju, J Ott
2011 Proceedings IEEE Infocom, 3137-3145, 2011
Optimizing the degree distribution of LT codes with an importance sampling approach
E Hyytiä, T Tirronen, J Virtamo
RESIM 2006, 6th International Workshop on Rare Event Simulation, 2006
Random waypoint model in n-dimensional space
E Hyytiä, J Virtamo
Operations Research Letters 33 (6), 567-571, 2005
Queueing with redundant requests: exact analysis
K Gardner, S Zbarsky, S Doroudi, M Harchol-Balter, E Hyytiä, ...
Queueing Systems 83, 227-259, 2016
Non-myopic vehicle and route selection in dynamic DARP with travel time and workload objectives
E Hyytiä, A Penttinen, R Sulonen
Computers & Operations Research 39 (12), 3021-3030, 2012
Random waypoint model in wireless networks
E Hyytiä, H Koskinen, P Lassila, A Penttinen, J Roszik, J Virtamo
Networks and algorithms: Complexity in physics and computer science, 16-19, 2005
Connectivity properties of random waypoint mobility model for ad hoc networks
P Lassila, E Hyytiä, H Koskinen
Challenges in Ad Hoc Networking: Fourth Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc …, 2006
On traffic load distribution and load balancing in dense wireless multihop networks
E Hyytiä, J Virtamo
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2007, 1-15, 2007
Size-and state-aware dispatching problem with queue-specific job sizes
E Hyytiä, A Penttinen, S Aalto
European Journal of Operational Research 217 (2), 357-370, 2012
A markovian waypoint mobility model with application to hotspot modeling
E Hyytia, P Lassila, J Virtamo
2006 IEEE International Conference on Communications 3, 979-986, 2006
Wavelength assignment and routing in WDM networks
E Hyytia, J Virtamo
Nordic Teletraffic Seminar (NTS-14) 14, 31-40, 1998
Floating content for probabilistic information sharing
J Ott, E Hyytiä, P Lassila, J Kangasharju, S Santra
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 7 (6), 671-689, 2011
Offload (only) the right jobs: Robust offloading using the Markov decision processes
E Hyytiä, T Spyropoulos, J Ott
2015 IEEE 16th international symposium on a world of wireless, mobile and …, 2015
On load balancing in a dense wireless multihop network
E Hyytia, J Virtamo
2006 2nd Conference on Next Generation Internet Design and Engineering, 2006 …, 2006
Task assignment in a heterogeneous server farm with switching delays and general energy-aware cost structure
E Hyytiä, R Righter, S Aalto
Performance Evaluation 75, 17-35, 2014
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Articles 1–20