Hoi-Kwan (Kero) Lau
Cited by
Cited by
Fundamental limits and non-reciprocal approaches in non-Hermitian quantum sensing
HK Lau, AA Clerk
Nature communications 9 (1), 4320, 2018
Insecurity of position-based quantum-cryptography protocols against entanglement attacks
HK Lau, HK Lo
Physical Review A 83 (1), 012322, 2011
Inferring physical parameters of compact stars from their f-mode gravitational wave signals
HK Lau, PT Leung, LM Lin
The Astrophysical Journal 714 (2), 1234, 2010
Quantum machine learning over infinite dimensions
HK Lau, R Pooser, G Siopsis, C Weedbrook
Physical review letters 118 (8), 080501, 2017
Quantum secret sharing with continuous-variable cluster states
HK Lau, C Weedbrook
Physical Review A 88 (4), 042313, 2013
Ground-state cooling and high-fidelity quantum transduction via parametrically driven bad-cavity optomechanics
HK Lau, AA Clerk
Physical Review Letters 124 (10), 103602, 2020
Universal Quantum Computing with Arbitrary Continuous-Variable Encoding
HK Lau, MB Plenio
Physical Review Letters 117 (10), 100501, 2016
Proposal for a scalable universal bosonic simulator using individually trapped ions
HK Lau, DFV James
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 85 (6), 062329, 2012
Heisenberg-limited spin squeezing via bosonic parametric driving
P Groszkowski, HK Lau, C Leroux, LCG Govia, AA Clerk
Physical Review Letters 125 (20), 203601, 2020
Reservoir-engineered spin squeezing: Macroscopic even-odd effects and hybrid-systems implementations
P Groszkowski, M Koppenhöfer, HK Lau, AA Clerk
Physical Review X 12 (1), 011015, 2022
Could the compact remnant of SN 1987A be a quark star?
TC Chan, KS Cheng, T Harko, HK Lau, LM Lin, WM Suen, XL Tian
The Astrophysical Journal 695 (1), 732, 2009
Decoherence and dephasing errors caused by the dc Stark effect in rapid ion transport
HK Lau, DFV James
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 83 (6), 062330, 2011
High-fidelity bosonic quantum state transfer using imperfect transducers and interference
HK Lau, AA Clerk
npj Quantum Information 5 (1), 31, 2019
Dissipative superradiant spin amplifier for enhanced quantum sensing
M Koppenhöfer, P Groszkowski, HK Lau, AA Clerk
PRX Quantum 3 (3), 030330, 2022
A high performance compiler for very large scale surface code computations
G Watkins, HM Nguyen, K Watkins, S Pearce, HK Lau, A Paler
Quantum 8, 1354, 2024
Universal continuous-variable quantum computation without cooling
HK Lau, MB Plenio
Physical Review A 95 (2), 022303, 2017
Laser cooling of a high-temperature oscillator by a three-level system
HK Lau, MB Plenio
Physical Review B 94 (5), 054305, 2016
Practicality of quantum information processing
HK Lau
University of Toronto (Canada), 2014
Cavity-free quantum optomechanical cooling by atom-modulated radiation
HK Lau, A Eisfeld, JM Rost
Physical Review A 98 (4), 043827, 2018
Asymmetry-based quantum backaction suppression in quadratic optomechanics
V Dumont, HK Lau, AA Clerk, JC Sankey
Physical Review Letters 129 (6), 063604, 2022
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Articles 1–20