Krishan K Kapoor
Krishan K Kapoor
Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar
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Chemical and biological changes during composting of different organic wastes and assessment of compost maturity
S Goyal, SK Dhull, KK Kapoor
Bioresource technology 96 (14), 1584-1591, 2005
Influence of inorganic fertilizers and organic amendments on soil organic matter and soil microbial properties under tropical conditions
S Goyal, K Chander, MC Mundra, KK Kapoor
Biology and Fertility of Soils 29, 196-200, 1999
Vermicomposting of crop residues and cattle dung with Eisenia foetida
S Bansal, KK Kapoor
Bioresource technology 73 (2), 95-98, 2000
Impact of organic manures with and without mineral fertilizers on soil chemical and biological properties under tropical conditions
K Kaur, KK Kapoor, AP Gupta
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 168 (1), 117-122, 2005
Inoculation with phosphate-solubilizing microorganisms and a vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus improves dry matter yield and nutrient uptake by wheat grown in a sandy soil
S Singh, KK Kapoor
Biology and fertility of soils 28, 139-144, 1999
Durability of self-compacting concrete made with Recycled Concrete Aggregates and mineral admixtures
K Kapoor, SP Singh, B Singh
Construction and Building Materials 128, 67-76, 2016
Microbial biomass carbon and microbial activities of soils receiving chemical fertilizers and organic amendments
S Dhull, S Goyal, K Kapoor, M Mundra
Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 50 (6), 641-647, 2004
Organic matter, microbial biomass and enzyme activity of soils under different crop rotations in the tropics
K Chander, S Goyal, MC Mundra, KK Kapoor
Biology and fertility of soils 24, 306-310, 1997
Soil organic matter, microbial biomass and enzyme activities in a tropical agroforestry system
K Chander, S Goyal, DP Nandal, KK Kapoor
Biology and fertility of soils 27, 168-172, 1998
Evaluation of metronidazole toxicity: a prospective study.
K Kapoor, M Chandra, D Nag, JK Paliwal, RC Gupta, RC Saxena
International journal of clinical pharmacology research 19 (3), 83-88, 1999
Microbial biomass turnover and enzyme activities following the application of farmyard manure to field soils with and without previous long-term applications
S Goyal, MM Mishra, SS Dhankar, KK Kapoor, R Batra
Biology and Fertility of Soils 15, 60-64, 1993
Effects of inoculation of phosphate-solubilizing microorganisms and an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus on mungbean grown under natural soil conditions
S Singh, KK Kapoor
Mycorrhiza 7, 249-253, 1998
Citric acid
KK Kapoor
Prescott and Dunn's industrial microbiology, 709-747, 1982
Identification of organic acids produced during rice straw decomposition and their role in rock phosphate solubilization
A Kumari, KK Kapoor, BS Kundu, R Kumari Mehta
Plant Soil and Environment 54 (2), 72, 2008
Effect of long-term manurial application on microbial biomass.
KK Kamlesh Kukreja, MM Mishra, SS Dhankar, KK Kapoor, AP Gupta
Different therapeutic regimens in irritable bowel syndrome.
P Nigam, KK Kapoor, CK Rastog, A Kumar, AK Gupta
Preparation of nitrogen and phosphorus-enriched paddy straw compost and its effect on yield and nutrient uptake by wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
KC Bangar, S Shanker, KK Kapoor, K Kukreja, MM Mishra
Biology and Fertility of Soils 8, 339-342, 1989
The long-term results of diltiazem treatment for anal fissure.
GF Nash, K Kapoor, K Saeb-Parsy, T Kunanadam, PM Dawson
International journal of clinical practice 60 (11), 2006
Solubilization of insoluble phosphates by bacteria isolated from different sources.
S Singh, KK Kapoor
Phosphate solubilization by soil microorganisms
KK Kapoor, MM Mishra, K Kukreja
Indian Journal of Microbiology 29 (2), 119-127, 1989
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Articles 1–20