Ann McNamara, PhD
Ann McNamara, PhD
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Subtle gaze direction
R Bailey, A McNamara, N Sudarsanam, C Grimm
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 28 (4), 1-14, 2009
Comparing real & synthetic scenes using human judgements of lightness
A McNamara, A Chalmers, T Troscianko, I Gilchrist
Rendering Techniques 2000: Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop in Brno …, 2000
Visual perception in realistic image synthesis
A McNamara
Computer Graphics Forum 20 (4), 211-224, 2001
Subtle gaze manipulation for improved mammography training
S Sridharan, R Bailey, A McNamara, C Grimm
Proceedings of the symposium on eye tracking research and applications, 75-82, 2012
Improving search task performance using subtle gaze direction
A McNamara, R Bailey, C Grimm
Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and …, 2008
Search task performance using subtle gaze direction with the presence of distractions
A McNamara, R Bailey, C Grimm
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP) 6 (3), 1-19, 2009
Image quality metrics
A Chalmers, A McNamara, S Daly, K Myszkowski, T Troscianko
Guiding attention in controlled real-world environments
T Booth, S Sridharan, A McNamara, C Grimm, R Bailey
Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Perception, 75-82, 2013
Effects of virtual reality v. biophilic environments on pain and distress in oncology patients: a case-crossover pilot study
L Ashley Verzwyvelt, A McNamara, X Xu, R Stubbins
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 20196, 2021
Directing gaze in narrative art
A McNamara, T Booth, S Sridharan, S Caffey, C Grimm, R Bailey
Proceedings of the ACM symposium on applied perception, 63-70, 2012
Information placement in virtual reality
A McNamara, K Boyd, J George, W Jones, S Oh, A Suther
2019 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), 1765-1769, 2019
Perception in graphics, visualization, virtual environments and animation
A McNamara, K Mania, D Gutierrez
SIGGRAPH Asia 2011 Courses, 1-137, 2011
Mobile augmented reality: Placing labels based on gaze position
A McNamara, C Kabeerdoss
2016 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR …, 2016
Fidelity of graphics reconstructions: A psychophysical investigation
A McNamara, A Chalmers, T Troscianko, E Reinhard
Rendering Techniques’ 98: Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop in Vienna …, 1998
Exploring perceptual equivalence between real and simulated imagery
AM McNamara
Proceedings of the 2nd symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and …, 2005
Impact of subtle gaze direction on short-term spatial information recall
R Bailey, A McNamara, A Costello, S Sridharan, C Grimm
Proceedings of the symposium on eye tracking research and applications, 67-74, 2012
Exploring visual and automatic measures of perceptual fidelity in real and simulated imagery
A McNamara
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP) 3 (3), 217-238, 2006
Exploring the use of memory colors for image enhancement
S Xue, M Tan, A McNamara, J Dorsey, H Rushmeier
Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XIX 9014, 266-275, 2014
Perceptually-motivated graphics, visualization and 3D displays
A McNamara, K Mania, M Banks, C Healey
ACM SIGGRAPH 2010 Courses, 1-159, 2010
Enhancing art history education through mobile augmented reality
AM McNamara
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Virtual Reality …, 2011
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