Review of service restoration for distribution networks F Shen, Q Wu, Y Xue Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy 8 (1), 1-14, 2019 | 94 | 2019 |
Comprehensive congestion management for distribution networks based on dynamic tariff, reconfiguration, and re-profiling product F Shen, S Huang, Q Wu, S Repo, Y Xu, J Østergaard IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 10 (5), 4795-4805, 2018 | 68 | 2018 |
Distributed risk-limiting load restoration in unbalanced distribution systems with networked microgrids F Shen, Q Wu, J Zhao, W Wei, ND Hatziargyriou, F Liu IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 11 (6), 4574-4586, 2020 | 60 | 2020 |
Coordinated supplementary damping control of DFIG and PSS to suppress inter-area oscillations with optimally controlled plant dynamics C Zhang, D Ke, Y Sun, CY Chung, J Xu, F Shen IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 9 (2), 780-791, 2017 | 60 | 2017 |
Distributed self-healing scheme for unbalanced electrical distribution systems based on alternating direction method of multipliers F Shen, JC Lopez, Q Wu, MJ Rider, T Lu, ND Hatziargyriou IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 35 (3), 2190-2199, 2019 | 57 | 2019 |
ADMM-based market clearing and optimal flexibility bidding of distribution-level flexibility market for day-ahead congestion management of distribution networks F Shen, Q Wu, X Jin, B Zhou, C Li, Y Xu International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 123, 106266, 2020 | 45 | 2020 |
Distributed voltage regulation of smart distribution networks: Consensus-based information synchronization and distributed model predictive control scheme Y Guo, Q Wu, H Gao, F Shen International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 111, 58-65, 2019 | 42 | 2019 |
Two-tier demand response with flexible demand swap and transactive control for real-time congestion management in distribution networks F Shen, Q Wu, S Huang, X Chen, H Liu, Y Xu International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 114, 105399, 2020 | 41 | 2020 |
Distributed risk-limiting load restoration for wind power penetrated bulk system J Zhao, H Wang, Q Wu, ND Hatziargyriou, F Shen IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 35 (5), 3516-3528, 2020 | 39 | 2020 |
Application of information gap decision theory to the design of robust wide-area power system stabilizers considering uncertainties of wind power D Ke, F Shen, CY Chung, C Zhang, J Xu, Y Sun IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 9 (2), 805-817, 2017 | 33 | 2017 |
Review of service restoration methods in distribution networks F Shen, Q Wu, S Huang, JC López, C Li, B Zhou 2018 IEEE PES innovative smart grid technologies conference Europe (ISGT …, 2018 | 28 | 2018 |
Comprehensive reactive power support of DFIG adapted to different depth of voltage sags Y Shen, M Cui, Q Wang, F Shen, B Zhang, L Liang Energies 10 (6), 808, 2017 | 28 | 2017 |
Optimal generator start-up sequence for bulk system restoration with active distribution networks J Zhao, H Wang, Q Wu, ND Hatziargyriou, F Shen IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 36 (3), 2046-2057, 2020 | 27 | 2020 |
Hierarchical service restoration scheme for active distribution networks based on ADMM F Shen, Q Wu, Y Xu, F Li, F Teng, G Strbac International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 118, 105809, 2020 | 22 | 2020 |
Double-time-scale distributed voltage control for unbalanced distribution networks based on MPC and ADMM Z Li, Q Wu, J Chen, S Huang, F Shen International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 145, 108665, 2023 | 18 | 2023 |
Finite control set model predictive control for complex energy system with large‐scale wind power YW Shen, JR Yuan, FF Shen, JZ Xu, CK Li, D Wang Complexity 2019 (1), 4358958, 2019 | 16 | 2019 |
Decentralized Volt/Var control based on variable gradient projection for PMSG-based wind farm H Peng, S Huang, Q Wu, F Shen, W Liao, X Li IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 13 (3), 1305-1314, 2022 | 14 | 2022 |
Coordination of dynamic tariff and scheduled reprofiling product for day-ahead congestion management of distribution networks F Shen, Q Wu, X Jin, M Zhang, S Teimourzadeh, OB Tor International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 135, 107612, 2022 | 14 | 2022 |
Robust representation learning for power system short-term voltage stability assessment under diverse data loss conditions L Zhu, W Wen, Y Qu, F Shen, J Li, Y Song, T Liu IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2023 | 10 | 2023 |
Equivalent three-vector-based model predictive control with duty-cycle reconstruction for pmsm X Wu, Y Zhang, F Shen, M Yang, T Wu, S Huang, H Cui IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 71 (3), 2395-2404, 2023 | 10 | 2023 |