Wenlong Huang
Wenlong Huang
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Palm-e: An embodied multimodal language model
D Driess, F Xia, MSM Sajjadi, C Lynch, A Chowdhery, B Ichter, A Wahid, ...
International Conference on Machine Learning, 8469-8488, 2023
Language models as zero-shot planners: Extracting actionable knowledge for embodied agents
W Huang, P Abbeel, D Pathak, I Mordatch
International conference on machine learning, 9118-9147, 2022
Inner monologue: Embodied reasoning through planning with language models
W Huang, F Xia, T Xiao, H Chan, J Liang, P Florence, A Zeng, J Tompson, ...
Conference on Robot Learning (2022), 1769-1782, 2022
Code as policies: Language model programs for embodied control
J Liang, W Huang, F Xia, P Xu, K Hausman, B Ichter, P Florence, A Zeng
2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 9493-9500, 2023
VoxPoser: Composable 3d value maps for robotic manipulation with language models
W Huang, C Wang, R Zhang, Y Li, J Wu, L Fei-Fei
Conference on Robot Learning (2023), 540-562, 2023
One policy to control them all: Shared modular policies for agent-agnostic control
W Huang, I Mordatch, D Pathak
International Conference on Machine Learning, 4455-4464, 2020
Grounded Decoding: Guiding text generation with grounded models for robot control
W Huang, F Xia, D Shah, D Driess, A Zeng, Y Lu, P Florence, I Mordatch, ...
International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, 59636-59661, 2023
Generalization in dexterous manipulation via geometry-aware multi-task learning
W Huang, I Mordatch, P Abbeel, D Pathak
arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.03062, 2021
3D Volumetric Modeling with Introspective Neural Networks
W Huang, B Lai, W Xu, Z Tu
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 33, 8481-8488, 2019
ReKep: Spatio-Temporal Reasoning of Relational Keypoint Constraints for Robotic Manipulation
W Huang, C Wang, Y Li, R Zhang, L Fei-Fei
Conference on Robot Learning (2024), 2024
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