Md. Parvez Akter
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Cited by
Modified model predictive control of a bidirectional AC–DC converter based on Lyapunov function for energy storage systems
MP Akter, S Mekhilef, NML Tan, H Akagi
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 63 (2), 704-715, 2015
Discrete space vector modulation-based model predictive torque control with no suboptimization
I Osman, D Xiao, KS Alam, SMSI Shakib, MP Akter, MF Rahman
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 67 (10), 8164-8174, 2019
Model predictive control of bidirectional AC-DC converter for energy storage system
MP Akter, S Mekhilef, NML Tan, H Akagi
Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology 10 (1), 165-175, 2015
Model predictive control of a bidirectional AC-DC converter for V2G and G2V applications in electric vehicle battery charger
M Parvez, S Mekhilef, NML Tan, H Akagi
2014 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC), 1-6, 2014
Model predictive control of bidirectional isolated DC–DC converter for energy conversion system
P Akter, M Uddin, S Mekhilef, NML Tan, H Akagi
International Journal of Electronics 102 (8), 1407-1427, 2015
Optimal charging of vanadium redox flow battery with time-varying input power
MP Akter, Y Li, J Bao, M Skyllas-Kazacos, MF Rahman
Batteries 5 (1), 20, 2019
An improved active-front-end rectifier using model predictive control
M Parvez, S Mekhilef, NML Tan, H Akagi
2015 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 122-127, 2015
Low complexity model predictive flux control for three-level neutral-point clamped inverter-fed induction motor drives without weighting factor
D Xiao, KS Alam, I Osman, MP Akter, SMSI Shakib, MF Rahman
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 56 (6), 6496-6506, 2020
Asymptotically stable predictive control of grid-connected converter based on discrete space vector modulation
KS Alam, MP Akter, D Xiao, D Zhang, MF Rahman
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 15 (5), 2775-2785, 2018
Stability and performance investigations of model predictive controlled active-front-end (AFE) rectifiers for energy storage systems
MP Akter, S Mekhilef, NML Tan, H Akagi
Journal of Power Electronics 15 (1), 202-215, 2015
Studies on dynamic responses and impedance of the vanadium redox flow battery
Y Li, J Bao, M Skyllas-Kazacos, MP Akter, X Zhang, J Fletcher
Applied energy 237, 91-102, 2019
Cascaded predictive flux control for a 3-L active NPC fed IM drives without weighting factor
D Xiao, MP Akter, K Alam, R Dutta, S Mekhilef, MF Rahman
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 36 (3), 1797-1807, 2021
Modified Model Predictive Control with Extended Voltage Vectors for Grid-connected Rectifier
KS Alam, D Xiao, MP Akter, D Zhang, J Fletcher, F Rahman
IET Power Electronics, 2018
Model predictive control of an active front end rectifier with unity displacement factor
SMM Uddin, P Akter, S Mekhilef, M Mubin, M Rivera, J Rodriguez
2013 IEEE International Conference on Circuits and Systems (ICCAS), 81-85, 2013
Charging control of vanadium redox battery based energy storage systems with variable input power
MP Akter, Y Li, J Bao, M Skyllas-Kazacos, MF Rahman, JE Fletcher, ...
2018 IEEE 27th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), 489-494, 2018
Lyapunov-function based predictive approach for load voltage control of four-leg inverter with an output LC filter
KS Alam, MP Akter, SMSI Shakib, D Xiao, D Zhang, MF Rahman
2018 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 6880-6885, 2018
Modulated Model Predictive Control for Four-Leg Inverters with Online Duty Ratio Optimization
D Xiao, KS Alam, MP Akter, SMSI Shakib, Z Daming, M Rahman
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2020
A robust modified model predictive control (MMPC) based on Lyapunov function for three-phase active-front-end (AFE) rectifier
M Parvez, S Mekhilef, NML Tan, H Akagi
2016 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 1163-1168, 2016
Simplified model predictive control of four-leg inverters for stand-alone power systems
F Akter, KS Alam, MP Akter
2018 10th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering …, 2018
A new transformerless inverter for grid connected photovoltaic system with low leakage current
M Islam, M Hasan, P Akter, MM Rahman
2013 International Conference on Electrical Information and Communication …, 2014
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Articles 1–20