Dirk Mallants
Dirk Mallants
CSIRO Land and Water South Australia
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Efficient posterior exploration of a high‐dimensional groundwater model from two‐stage Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation and polynomial chaos expansion
E Laloy, B Rogiers, JA Vrugt, D Mallants, D Jacques
Water Resources Research 49 (1-19), 19, 2013
Spatial variability of hydraulic properties in a multi-layered soil profile
D Mallants, BP Mohanty, D Jacques, J Feyen
Soil Science 161 (3), 167-181, 1996
Spatial analysis of saturated hydraulic conductivity in a soil with macropores
D Mallants, BP Mohanty, A Vervoort, J Feyen
Soil Technology 10 (2), 115-131, 1997
Gas generation and migration in Boom Clay, a potential host rock formation for nuclear waste storage
L Ortiz, G Volckaert, D Mallants
Engineering geology 64 (2-3), 287-296, 2002
Hydrogeological conceptual model building and testing: A review
T Enemark, LJM Peeters, D Mallants, O Batelaan
Journal of Hydrology 569, 310-329, 2019
Radionuclide and metal sorption on cement and concrete - Topics in Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality
M Ochs, D Mallants, L Wang
Springer Series - ISBN 9783319236513 29, 301 pp., 2015
Modelling coupled water flow, solute transport and geochemical reactions affecting heavy metal migration in a podzol soil
D Jacques, J Šimůnek, D Mallants, MT Van Genuchten
Geoderma 145 (3-4), 449-461, 2008
Comparison of three methods to calibrate TDR for monitoring solute movement in undisturbed soil
D Mallants, M Vanclooster, J Vanderborght, J Feyen, N Toride, ...
Soil Science Society of America Journal 60 (3), 747-754, 1996
Development and Analysis of Soil Water Infiltration Global Database
M Rahmati, L Weihermüller, J Vanderborght, P Yakov A., D Mallants, et al.
Earth Syst. Sci. Data 10 (1237-1263),, 2018
Universal Stochastic Multiscale Image Fusion: An Example Application for Shale Rock
K Gerke, M Karsanina, D Mallants
Scientific Reports - Nature Research 5 (15880), 1-12, 2015
Determining local-scale solute transport parameters using time domain reflectometry (TDR)
M Vanclooster, D Mallants, J Diels, J Feyen
Journal of Hydrology 148 (1-4), 93-107, 1993
Modelling chemical degradation of concrete during leaching with rain and soil water types
D Jacques, L Wang, E Martens, D Mallants
Cement and concrete research 40 (8), 1306-1313, 2010
Universal spatial correlation functions for describing and reconstructing soil microstructure
MV Karsanina, KM Gerke, EB Skvortsova, D Mallants
PloS one 10 (5), e0126515, 2015
Multicomponent geochemical transport modeling using HYDRUS-1D and HP1
J Šimůnek, D Jacques, MT Van Genuchten, D Mallants
Journal of the American Water Resources Association 42 (6), 1537-1547, 2006
Monitoring Solute Transport in a Multi-Layered Sandy Lysimeter using Time Domain Reflectometry
M Vanclooster, D Mallants, J Vanderborght, J Diels, J Van Orshoven, ...
Soil Science Society of America Journal 59, 337-344, 1995
Calibration, validation and sensitivity analysis of the MIKE-SHE model using the Neuenkirchen catchment as case study
E Xevi, K Christiaens, A Espino, W Sewnandan, D Mallants, H Sørensen, ...
Water Resources Management 11, 219-242, 1997
Estimating solute transport in undisturbed soil columns using time-domain reflectometry
D Mallants, M Vanclooster, M Meddahi, J Feyen
Journal of contaminant hydrology 17 (2), 91-109, 1994
Improving pattern reconstruction using directional correlation functions
K Gerke, M Karsanina, R Vasilyev, D Mallants
Europhysics Letters 106 (2014), 1-6, 2014
Performance assessment of the disposal of vitrified high-level waste in a clay layer
D Mallants, J Marivoet, X Sillen
Journal of Nuclear Materials 298 (1-2), 125-135, 2001
Assessment of radiation exposure in the uranium mining and milling area of Mailuu Suu, Kyrgyzstan
H Vandenhove, L Sweeck, D Mallants, H Vanmarcke, A Aitkulov, ...
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 88 (2), 118-139, 2006
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