Sascha Schweitzer
Sascha Schweitzer
Reutlingen University; Universität Bayreuth
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Catching Up or Falling Behind? Promising Changes and Persistent Patterns Across Cohorts of Economics PhDs in German-Speaking Countries from 1991 to 2008
AS Önder, S Schweitzer
SSRN, 2016
A burden of knowledge creation in academic research: evidence from publication data
S Schweitzer, J Brendel
Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Academia, 49-72, 2021
Auction format and auction sequence in multi‐item multi‐unit auctions: An experimental study
R Betz, B Greiner, S Schweitzer, S Seifert
The Economic Journal 127 (605), F351-F371, 2017
Large-scale Multi-item Auctions: Evidence from Multimedia-supported Experiments
SM Schweitzer
KIT Scientific Publishing, 2012
The burden of knowledge in mathematics
J Brendel, S Schweitzer
Open Economics 2 (1), 139-149, 2019
Twitter and citations
HF Chan, AS Önder, S Schweitzer, B Torgler
Economics letters 231, 111270, 2023
Specialization, field distance, and quality in economists’ collaborations
AS Önder, S Schweitzer, H Yilmazkuday
Journal of informetrics 15 (4), 101222, 2021
Leadership in Scholarship: Editors' Influence on the Profession's Narrative
AS Onder, SV Popov, S Schweitzer
Cardiff Economics Working Papers, 2018
Experimental testing of possible designs for the australian carbon pollution permit allocation auction
R Betz, KM Ehrhart, B Greiner, A Ortmann, S Schweitzer, S Seifert
Leadership in scholarship: A machine learning based investigation of editors' influence on textual structure
AS Önder, SV Popov, S Schweitzer
Cardiff Economics Working Papers, 2018
The digital transformation of jurisprudence: an evaluation of ChatGPT-4’s applicability to solve cases in business law
S Schweitzer, M Conrads
Artificial Intelligence and Law, 1-26, 2024
The Segmented Introduction of Transaction Fees in the German Ridesharing Market
S Schweitzer, J Brendel
Cognitive-Based Design Principles in Experimental Economics: How to Devise More Effective Instructions, Software, and Comprehension Tests
S Schweitzer
Software, and Comprehension Tests (May 8, 2017), 2017
Innovation and Regional Development: The Impact of Patenting on Labor Market Outcomes
AS Önder, S Schweitzer, O Tcaci
Available at SSRN 5010957, 2024
Claude Rules: An Evaluation of Large Language Models’ Applicability to Solve Cases in German Business Law
S Schweitzer, M Conrads, J Naeve
Procedia Computer Science 246, 2675-2683, 2024
Panic in the lab: the effect of extreme external risks and bolstering cooperation in public goods games
S Schweitzer, P Shen, JU Siebert
Available at SSRN 4465082, 2024
Harnessing the power of X: Promoting research on social media pays off
A Önder, S Schweitzer
CEPR: Centre for Economic Policy Research, 2023
Einsatz Künstlicher Intelligenz im Vertrags-, Wirtschafts- und Arbeitsrecht
M Conrads, S Schweitzer
Neue Juristische Wochenschrift 76 (39), 2809-2815, 2023
Twitter and Citations
AS Önder, HF Chan, S Schweitzer, B Torgler
Available at SSRN 4461106, 2023
Leadership in Scholarship: Editors' Appointments and the Profession's Narrative
AS Önder, SV Popov, S Schweitzer
Available at SSRN 3105539, 2020
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