Udhayakumar Kandasamy
Udhayakumar Kandasamy
Post Doc. Researcher in United Arab Emirates University
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Event-triggered impulsive controller design for synchronization of delayed chaotic neural networks and its fractal reconstruction: an application to image encryption
SS Mohanrasu, K Udhayakumar, TMC Priyanka, A Gowrisankar, ...
Applied Mathematical Modelling 115, 490-512, 2023
Quasi-synchronization and bifurcation results on fractional-order quaternion-valued neural networks
U Kandasamy, X Li, R Rajan
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 31 (10), 4063-4072, 2019
Fractional-order discontinuous systems with indefinite LKFs: An application to fractional-order neural networks with time delays
K Udhayakumar, FA Rihan, R Rakkiyappan, J Cao
Neural Networks 145, 319-330, 2022
Stability and Hopf bifurcation analysis of fractional-order complex-valued neural networks with time delays
R Rakkiyappan, K Udhayakumar, G Velmurugan, J Cao, A Alsaedi
Advances in Difference Equations 2017, 1-25, 2017
Projective multi-synchronization of fractional-order complex-valued coupled multi-stable neural networks with impulsive control
K Udhayakumar, R Rakkiyappan, FA Rihan, S Banerjee
Neurocomputing 467, 392-405, 2022
Memory sampled data control for switched-type neural networks and its application in image secure communications
Y Cao, K Udhayakumar, KP Veerakumari, R Rakkiyappan
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 201, 564-587, 2022
Event-triggered impulsive control design for synchronization of inertial neural networks with time delays
S Shanmugasundaram, K Udhayakumar, D Gunasekaran, ...
Neurocomputing 483, 322-332, 2022
Saturated and asymmetric saturated impulsive control synchronization of coupled delayed inertial neural networks with time-varying delays
K Udhayakumar, S Shanmugasundaram, A Kashkynbayev, K Janani, ...
Applied Mathematical Modelling 113, 528-544, 2023
Mutiple ψ-type stability of fractional-order quaternion-valued neural networks
K Udhayakumar, R Rakkiyappan, X Li, J Cao
Applied Mathematics and Computation 401, 126092, 2021
Hopf bifurcation of a fractional-order octonion-valued neural networks with time delays.
U Kandasamy, R Rajan
Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series S 13 (9), 2020
Mittag-Leffler stability analysis of multiple equilibrium points in impulsive fractional-order quaternion-valued neural networks
K Udhayakumar, R Rakkiyappan, J Cao, X Tan
Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 21, 234-246, 2020
Fixed-time synchronization of delayed impulsive inertial neural networks with discontinuous activation functions via indefinite LKF method
K Udhayakumar, S Shanmugasundaram, K Janani, S Kathiresan, ...
Journal of the Franklin Institute 359 (2), 1361-1384, 2022
A comprehensive review of continuous-/discontinuous-time fractional-order multidimensional neural networks
J Cao, K Udhayakumar, R Rakkiyappan, X Li, J Lu
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 34 (9), 5476-5496, 2021
Novel finite and fixed-time stability theorems for fractional-order impulsive discontinuous systems and their application to multi-agent systems
K Udhayakumar, FA Rihan, K Janani, R Rakkiyappan
Results in Control and Optimization 9, 100173, 2022
Fractional order delay differential model of a tumor-immune system with vaccine efficacy: Stability, bifurcation and control
FA Rihan, K Udhayakumar
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 173, 113670, 2023
Dynamics of a fractional-order delayed model of COVID-19 with vaccination efficacy
FA Rihan, U Kandasamy, HJ Alsakaji, N Sottocornola
Vaccines 11 (4), 758, 2023
Centralized and decentralized controller design for synchronization of coupled delayed inertial neural networks via reduced and non-reduced orders
S Shanmugasundaram, A Kashkynbayev, K Udhayakumar, ...
Neurocomputing 469, 91-104, 2022
Quasi‐bipartite synchronisation of multiple inertial signed delayed neural networks under distributed event‐triggered impulsive control strategy
K Udhayakumar, FA Rihan, X Li, R Rakkiyappan
IET Control Theory & Applications 15 (12), 1615-1627, 2021
Stochastic tumor-immune interaction model with external treatments and time delays: An optimal control problem
HJ Alsakaji, FA Rihan, K Udhayakumar, F El Ktaibi
Math. Biosci. Eng 20, 19270-19299, 2023
Stability and synchronization of fractional-order complex-valued neural networks with time delay: LMI approach
K Udhayakumar, R Rakkiyappan, G Velmurugan
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 226, 3639-3655, 2017
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