Nathaniel Kinsey
Cited by
Cited by
Refractory plasmonics with titanium nitride: broadband metamaterial absorber
W Li, U Guler, N Kinsey, GV Naik, A Boltasseva, J Guan, VM Shalaev, ...
Advanced Materials 26 (47), 7959-7965, 2014
Enhanced Nonlinear Refractive Index in -Near-Zero Materials
L Caspani, RPM Kaipurath, M Clerici, M Ferrera, T Roger, J Kim, N Kinsey, ...
Physical review letters 116 (23), 233901, 2016
Low-loss plasmon-assisted electro-optic modulator
C Haffner, D Chelladurai, Y Fedoryshyn, A Josten, B Baeuerle, W Heni, ...
Nature 556 (7702), 483-486, 2018
Epsilon-near-zero Al-doped ZnO for ultrafast switching at telecom wavelengths
N Kinsey, C DeVault, J Kim, M Ferrera, VM Shalaev, A Boltasseva
Optica 2 (7), 616-622, 2015
Near-zero-index materials for photonics
N Kinsey, C DeVault, A Boltasseva, VM Shalaev
Nature Reviews Materials 4 (12), 742-760, 2019
Roadmap on plasmonics
MI Stockman, K Kneipp, SI Bozhevolnyi, S Saha, A Dutta, J Ndukaife, ...
Journal of Optics 20 (4), 043001, 2018
Roadmap on optical metamaterials
AM Urbas, Z Jacob, L Dal Negro, N Engheta, AD Boardman, P Egan, ...
Journal of Optics 18 (9), 093005, 2016
Towards CMOS-compatible nanophotonics: Ultra-compact modulators using alternative plasmonic materials
VE Babicheva, N Kinsey, GV Naik, M Ferrera, AV Lavrinenko, VM Shalaev, ...
Optics express 21 (22), 27326-27337, 2013
Examining nanophotonics for integrated hybrid systems: a review of plasmonic interconnects and modulators using traditional and alternative materials
N Kinsey, M Ferrera, VM Shalaev, A Boltasseva
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 32 (1), 121-142, 2014
Controlling hybrid nonlinearities in transparent conducting oxides via two-colour excitation
M Clerici, N Kinsey, C DeVault, J Kim, EG Carnemolla, L Caspani, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 1-7, 2017
Optical properties of plasmonic ultrathin TiN films
D Shah, H Reddy, N Kinsey, VM Shalaev, A Boltasseva
Advanced Optical Materials 5 (13), 1700065, 2017
High‐performance doped silver films: overcoming fundamental material limits for nanophotonic applications
C Zhang, N Kinsey, L Chen, C Ji, M Xu, M Ferrera, X Pan, VM Shalaev, ...
Advanced Materials 29 (19), 1605177, 2017
Adiabatic frequency shifting in epsilon-near-zero materials – the role of group velocity
JB Khurgin, M Clerici, V Bruno, L Caspani, C DeVault, J Kim, A Shaltout, ...
Optica 7 (3), 226-231, 2020
Experimental demonstration of titanium nitride plasmonic interconnects
N Kinsey, M Ferrera, GV Naik, VE Babicheva, VM Shalaev, A Boltasseva
Optics express 22 (10), 12238-12247, 2014
Nonlinear epsilon-near-zero materials explained: opinion
N Kinsey, J Khurgin
Optical Materials Express 9 (7), 2793-2796, 2019
Controlling the plasmonic properties of ultrathin TiN films at the atomic level
D Shah, A Catellani, H Reddy, N Kinsey, V Shalaev, A Boltasseva, ...
Acs Photonics 5 (7), 2816-2824, 2018
Interfacial Self‐Assembly of Colloidal Nanoparticles in Dual‐Droplet Inkjet Printing
KN Al‐Milaji, RR Secondo, TN Ng, N Kinsey, H Zhao
Advanced Materials Interfaces 5 (10), 1701561, 2018
Fast and slow nonlinearities in epsilon‐near‐zero materials
JB Khurgin, M Clerici, N Kinsey
Laser & Photonics Reviews 15 (2), 2000291, 2021
Effective third-order nonlinearities in metallic refractory titanium nitride thin films
N Kinsey, AA Syed, D Courtwright, C DeVault, CE Bonner, VI Gavrilenko, ...
Optical Materials Express 5 (11), 2395-2403, 2015
Absorptive loss and band non-parabolicity as a physical origin of large nonlinearity in epsilon-near-zero materials
R Secondo, J Khurgin, N Kinsey
Optical Materials Express 10 (7), 1545-1560, 2020
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Articles 1–20