Zoltan Kunszt
Zoltan Kunszt
Professor emeritus, Institute for Theoretical Physics, ETH, Zurich
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Helicity amplitudes for O (αs) production of W+ W−, W±Z, ZZ, W±γ, or Zγ pairs at hadron colliders
L Dixon, Z Kunszt, A Signer
Nuclear Physics B 531 (1-3), 3-23, 1998
Three-jet cross sections to next-to-leading order
S Frixione, Z Kunszt, A Signer
Nuclear Physics B 467 (3), 399-442, 1996
New jet cluster algorithms: Next-to-leading order QCD and hadronization corrections
S Bethke, Z Kunszt, DE Soper, WJ Stirling
Nuclear Physics B 370 (2), 310-334, 1992
Two-jet production in hadron collisions at order in QCD
SD Ellis, Z Kunszt, DE Soper
Physical review letters 69 (10), 1496, 1992
One-jet inclusive cross section at order : Quarks and gluons
SD Ellis, Z Kunszt, DE Soper
Physical Review Letters 64 (18), 2121, 1990
Calculation of jet cross sections in hadron collisions at order α s 3
Z Kunszt, DE Soper
Physical Review D 46 (1), 192, 1992
Associated production of heavy Higgs boson with top quarks
Z Kunszt
Nuclear Physics B 247 (2), 339-359, 1984
Improved analytic techniques for tree graph calculations and the ggqqℓℓ subprocess
JF Gunion, Z Kunszt
Physics Letters B 161 (4-6), 333-340, 1985
Full one-loop amplitudes from tree amplitudes
WT Giele, Z Kunszt, K Melnikov
Journal of High Energy Physics 2008 (04), 049, 2008
Meson hyperfine splittings and leptonic decays
R Barbieri, R Gatto, R Kögerler, Z Kunszt
Physics Letters B 57 (5), 455-459, 1975
Jets at hadron colliders at order : A look inside
SD Ellis, Z Kunszt, DE Soper
Physical Review Letters 69 (25), 3615, 1992
A numerical unitarity formalism for evaluating one-loop amplitudes
RK Ellis, WT Giele, Z Kunszt
Journal of High Energy Physics 2008 (03), 003, 2008
Vector boson pair production in hadronic collisions at Lepton correlations and anomalous couplings
L Dixon, Z Kunszt, A Signer
Physical Review D 60 (11), 114037, 1999
Testing the Higgs sector of the minimal supersymmetric standard model at large hadron colliders
Z Kunszt, F Zwirner
Nuclear Physics B 385 (1-2), 3-75, 1992
D-dimensional unitarity cut method
C Anastasiou, R Britto, B Feng, Z Kunszt, P Mastrolia
Physics Letters B 645 (2-3), 213-216, 2007
One-loop helicity amplitudes for all 2→ 2 processes in QCD and N= 1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory
Z Kunszt, A Signer, Z Trocsanyi
Nuclear Physics B 411 (2-3), 397-442, 1994
One-loop calculations in quantum field theory: from Feynman diagrams to unitarity cuts
RK Ellis, Z Kunszt, K Melnikov, G Zanderighi
Physics reports 518 (4-5), 141-250, 2012
Two-loop amplitudes and master integrals for the production of a Higgs boson via a massive quark and a scalar-quark loop
C Anastasiou, S Beerli, S Bucherer, A Daleo, Z Kunszt
Journal of High Energy Physics 2007 (01), 082, 2007
Higgs production with large transverse momentum in hadronic collisions at next-to-leading order
D de Florian, M Grazzini, Z Kunszt
Physical review letters 82 (26), 5209, 1999
Masses, fermions and generalized D-dimensional unitarity
RK Ellis, WT Giele, Z Kunszt, K Melnikov
Nuclear physics B 822 (1-2), 270-282, 2009
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