Xavier Mestre
Xavier Mestre
Associate Researcher, Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya
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Improved estimation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of covariance matrices using their sample estimates
X Mestre
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54 (11), 5113-5129, 2008
The 5G candidate waveform race: a comparison of complexity and performance
R Gerzaguet, N Bartzoudis, LG Baltar, V Berg, JB Doré, D Kténas, ...
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2017, 1-14, 2017
Finite sample size effect on minimum variance beamformers: Optimum diagonal loading factor for large arrays
X Mestre, MA Lagunas
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 54 (1), 69-82, 2005
Modified subspace algorithms for DoA estimation with large arrays
X Mestre, MÁ Lagunas
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 56 (2), 598-614, 2008
Performance analysis of an improved MUSIC DoA estimator
P Vallet, X Mestre, P Loubaton
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 63 (23), 6407-6422, 2015
On the asymptotic behavior of the sample estimates of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of covariance matrices
X Mestre
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 56 (11), 5353-5368, 2008
Improved subspace estimation for multivariate observations of high dimension: the deterministic signals case
P Vallet, P Loubaton, X Mestre
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 58 (2), 1043-1068, 2012
Efficient implementation of sphere demodulation
A Wiesel, X Mestre, A Pages, JR Fonollosa
2003 4th IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless …, 2003
MIMO signal processing in offset-QAM based filter bank multicarrier systems
AI Perez-Neira, M Caus, R Zakaria, D Le Ruyet, E Kofidis, M Haardt, ...
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 64 (21), 5733-5762, 2016
Capacity of MIMO channels: asymptotic evaluation under correlated fading
X Mestre, JR Fonollosa, A Pagès-Zamora
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 21 (5), 829-838, 2003
MUSIC, G-MUSIC, and maximum-likelihood performance breakdown
BA Johnson, YI Abramovich, X Mestre
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 56 (8), 3944-3958, 2008
Spectral convergence for a general class of random matrices
F Rubio, X Mestre
Statistics & probability letters 81 (5), 592-602, 2011
Learning and data-driven beam selection for mmWave communications: An angle of arrival-based approach
C Antón-Haro, X Mestre
IEEE Access 7, 20404-20415, 2019
A subspace estimator for fixed rank perturbations of large random matrices
W Hachem, P Loubaton, X Mestre, J Najim, P Vallet
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 114, 427-447, 2013
Performance analysis and optimal selection of large minimum variance portfolios under estimation risk
F Rubio, X Mestre, DP Palomar
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 6 (4), 337-350, 2012
Orthogonal waveforms and filter banks for future communication systems
M Renfors, X Mestre, E Kofidis, F Bader
Academic Press, 2017
Large information plus noise random matrix models and consistent subspace estimation in large sensor networks
W Hachem, P Loubaton, X Mestre, J Najim, P Vallet
Random Matrices: Theory and Applications 1 (02), 1150006, 2012
An asymptotic approach to parallel equalization of filter bank based multicarrier signals
X Mestre, M Majoral, S Pfletschinger
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 61 (14), 3592-3606, 2013
Parallelized structures for MIMO FBMC under strong channel frequency selectivity
X Mestre, D Gregoratti
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 64 (5), 1200-1215, 2015
Smart antennas in software radio base stations
A Pérez-Neira, X Mestre, JR Fonollosa
IEEE Communications Magazine 39 (2), 166-173, 2001
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