Jean-Philippe Raynaud
Jean-Philippe Raynaud
UT3 Professor, CHU Purpan, UMR1027 Inserm-UT3, TMBI (Univ. Toulouse)
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Long-term outcomes of ADHD: a systematic review of self-esteem and social function
V Harpin, L Mazzone, JP Raynaud, J Kahle, P Hodgkins
Journal of attention disorders, 2013
Potential effects of “social” distancing measures and school lockdown on child and adolescent mental health
V Clemens, P Deschamps, JM Fegert, D Anagnostopoulos, S Bailey, ...
European child & adolescent psychiatry 29, 739-742, 2020
Risk assessment of antibiotic residues of β-lactams and macrolides in food products with regard to their immuno-allergic potential
JM Dewdney, L Maes, JP Raynaud, F Blanc, JP Scheid, T Jackson, ...
Food and Chemical Toxicology 29 (7), 477-483, 1991
Socioeconomic disparities and prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorders and Intellectual Disability
M Delobel-Ayoub, V Ehlinger, D Klapouszczak, T Maffre, JP Raynaud, ...
Plos One 10 (11), 2015
Classification française des troubles mentaux de l'enfant et de l'adolescent R.2012 : Correspondance et transcodage : CIM 10
R Misés, M Botbol, C Bursztejn, Y Coinçon, B Durand, J Garrabé, ...
Presses de l'EHESP (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique), 2012
Therapeutic and preventive use of video games in child and adolescent psychiatry: a systematic review
D Zayeni, JP Raynaud, A Revet
Frontiers in psychiatry 11, 36, 2020
Antidepressants and movement disorders: a postmarketing study in the world pharmacovigilance database
A Revet, F Montastruc, A Roussin, JP Raynaud, M Lapeyre-Mestre, ...
BMC psychiatry 20, 1-13, 2020
Peritraumatic reactions and posttraumatic stress symptoms in school-aged children victims of road traffic accident
E Bui, A Brunet, C Allenou, C Camassel, JP Raynaud, I Claudet, F Fries, ...
General Hospital Psychiatry 32 (3), 330-333, 2010
Low but increasing prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorders in a French area from register-based data
MME Van Bakel, M Delobel-Ayoub, C Cans, B Assouline, PS Jouk, ...
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 45 (10), 3255-61, 2015
Les groupes d’entraînement aux habiletés sociales pour enfants et adolescents avec syndrome d’Asperger: revue de la littérature [Social skills training groups for children and …
J Andanson, F Pourre, T Maffre, JP Raynaud
Archives de Pédiatrie 18 (5), 589-596, 2011
Children's enduring PTSD symptoms are related to their family's adaptability and cohesion
P Birmes, JP Raynaud, L Daubisse, A Brunet, C Arbus, R Klein, L Cailhol, ...
Community Mental Health Journal 45, 290-299, 2009
Prescription et conseil en phytothérapie
J Raynaud
Technique et Documentation, 2005
Prescription et conseil en aromathérapie
J Raynaud
Technique et Documentation, 2006
Increase in admission rates and symptom severity of childhood and adolescent anorexia nervosa in Europe during the COVID-19 pandemic: data from specialized eating disorder …
S Gilsbach, MT Plana, J Castro-Fornieles, M Gatta, GP Karlsson, ...
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health 16 (1), 46, 2022
Preventive interventions in offspring of parents with mental illness: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
A Lannes, E Bui, C Arnaud, JP Raynaud, A Revet
Psychological medicine 51 (14), 2321-2336, 2021
Validation of the Peritraumatic Dissociative Experiences Questionnaire and Peritraumatic Distress Inventory in school-aged victims of road traffic accidents
E Bui, A Brunet, B Olliac, E Very, C Allenou, JP Raynaud, I Claudet, ...
European Psychiatry 26 (2), 108-111, 2011
Stress, coping, and post-traumatic stress disorder of French fathers of premature infants
F Koliouli, CZ Gaudron, JP Raynaud
Newborn and infant nursing reviews 16 (3), 110-114, 2016
European Society of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: position statement on mental health of child and adolescent refugees
DC Anagnostopoulos, J Heberbrand, S Eliez, MB Doyle, H Klasen, ...
European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 25 (7), 673-676, 2016
Cyberbullying (ou cyber harcèlement) et psychopathologie de l’enfant et de l’adolescent : état actuel des connaissances [Cyberbullying and child and adolescent psychopathology …
M Arsène, JP Raynaud
Neuropsychiatrie de l'Enfance et de l'Adolescence 62 (4), 249-256, 2014
Bereavement and reactions of grief among children and adolescents: Present data and perspectives
A Revet, E Bui, G Benvegnu, A Suc, L Mesquida, JP Raynaud
L'encephale 46 (5), 356-363, 2020
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