Ahmad Y A
Cited by
Cited by
On the evaluation of DHT22 temperature sensor for IoT application
YA Ahmad, TS Gunawan, H Mansor, BA Hamida, AF Hishamudin, F Arifin
2021 8th international conference on computer and communication engineering …, 2021
Nanosatellites constellation as an IoT communication platform for near equatorial countries
A Narayanasamy, YA Ahmad, M Othman
IOP conference series: materials science and engineering 260 (1), 012028, 2017
Aerobraking to Lower Apogee in Earth Orbit with the Small Payload ORbit Transfer (SPORT™) Microsatellite Vehicle
P Gloyer, T Robinson, A Mignogna, Y Ahmad
Small Satellites - Coming of Age, 2001
Stride based convolutional neural network for speech emotion recognition
TM Wani, TS Gunawan, SAA Qadri, H Mansor, F Arifin, YA Ahmad
2021 IEEE 7th International Conference on Smart Instrumentation, Measurement …, 2021
Design of a terminal node controller hardware for CubeSat tracking applications
YA Ahmad, NJ Nazim, SS Yuhaniz
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 152 (1), 012031, 2016
Implementation of an E-voting Prototype using Ethereum Blockchain in Ganache Network
YA Ahmad, MF Shaharuddin, TS Gunawan, F Arifin
2022 IEEE 18th International Colloquium on Signal Processing & Applications …, 2022
Design of an adaptive CubeSat transmitter for achieving optimum signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)
FD Jaswar, TA Rahman, MN Hindia, YA Ahmad
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 270 (1), 012016, 2017
IoT based monitoring system for stingless bees colony in IIUM
HA Rosli, NA Malik, YA Ahmad
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2312 (1), 012088, 2022
Design and validation of an adaptive CubeSat transmitter system
F Jaswar, AM Al-Samman, TA Rahman, YA Ahmad
AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications 108, 118-126, 2019
Low altitude balloon IoT tracker
M Mirza, YA Ahmad, TS Gunawan
2017 IEEE 4th International Conference on Smart Instrumentation, Measurement …, 2017
Enhanced Technique for Prediction of ZR Relationship in Tropical Region
K Aziding, K Badron, AB Basri, AF Ismail, YA Ahmad
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2559 (1), 012009, 2023
The Small Payload ORbit Transfer (SPORT™) Vehicle and The Business Environment for the Next Generation of Piggyback Launch Options
AS Arshad, A Jacobovits, Y Ahmad, D Goldstein
Small Satellites - Coming of Age, 2001
Tributary water depth and velocity remote monitoring system using Arduino and LoRa
AA Jasni, YA Ahmad, TS Gunawan, M Yaacob, N Ismail, A Wasik
2022 IEEE 8th International Conference on Computing, Engineering and Design …, 2022
Determination of fade margin for Ka band operating in equatorial region
NHS Suhaimi, K Badron, AF Ismail, YA Ahmad, MRM Yassin, MH Rahmat
Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences 10 (2S), 229-238, 2018
Development of Visual Dashboard for River Monitoring System
YA Ahmad, TS Gunawan, MHMR Al Munir, NM Yusoff, M Kartiwi, ...
2022 IEEE 8th International Conference on Smart Instrumentation, Measurement …, 2022
PCB design for IoT based fire detection and alarm system
N Ya’acob, YA Ahmad, FN Al Mashhoor
Journal of positive school psychology 6 (3), 8359–8372-8359–8372, 2022
Two-Year Rain Fade Empirical Measurement and Statistics of Earth-Space Link at Ka-Band in Malaysia
YA Ahmad, AF Ismail, K Badron
ASM Science Journal 12 (Special Issue 2, 2019, Malaysia in Space), 35-46, 2019
The effectiveness of multilevel classification system for Sport psychology (MCS-SP) model for athletes performance functional evaluation
MKN Haziyanti, ARM Shariff, Y Ahmad
Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences 9 (6S), 1355-1371, 2017
System level design and analysis of an 8 GHz low earth orbit satellite transmitter
YA Ahmad, FD Jaswar, AS Arshad, MAM Ali, H Sanusi
Proceeding of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Space Science and …, 2011
Ku-band specific attenuation coefficients for high-throughput satellites in equatorial region
YA Ahmad, AF Ismail, K Badron
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 20 (4), 722-730, 2022
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Articles 1–20