Joshua Nunn
Joshua Nunn
ORCA Computing Ltd
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Quantum memories: a review based on the European integrated project “qubit applications (QAP)”
C Simon, M Afzelius, J Appel, A Boyer De La Giroday, SJ Dewhurst, ...
The European Physical Journal D 58, 1-22, 2010
Quantum memories: emerging applications and recent advances
K Heshami, DG England, PC Humphreys, PJ Bustard, VM Acosta, J Nunn, ...
Journal of modern optics 63 (20), 2005-2028, 2016
Entangling macroscopic diamonds at room temperature
KC Lee, MR Sprague, BJ Sussman, J Nunn, NK Langford, XM Jin, ...
Science 334 (6060), 1253-1256, 2011
Experimental demonstration of quantum effects in the operation of microscopic heat engines
J Klatzow, JN Becker, PM Ledingham, C Weinzetl, KT Kaczmarek, ...
Physical Review Letters 122 (11), 110601, 2019
Towards high-speed optical quantum memories
KF Reim, J Nunn, VO Lorenz, BJ Sussman, KC Lee, NK Langford, ...
Nature Photonics 4 (4), 218-221, 2010
Single-photon-level quantum memory at room temperature
KF Reim, P Michelberger, KC Lee, J Nunn, NK Langford, IA Walmsley
Physical Review Letters 107 (5), 053603, 2011
Mapping broadband single-photon wave packets into an atomic memory
J Nunn, IA Walmsley, MG Raymer, K Surmacz, FC Waldermann, Z Wang, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 75 (1), 011401, 2007
Multimode memories in atomic ensembles
J Nunn, K Reim, KC Lee, VO Lorenz, BJ Sussman, IA Walmsley, D Jaksch
Physical Review Letters 101 (26), 260502, 2008
Broadband single-photon-level memory in a hollow-core photonic crystal fibre
MR Sprague, PS Michelberger, TFM Champion, DG England, J Nunn, ...
Nature Photonics 8 (4), 287-291, 2014
Large-alphabet time-frequency entangled quantum key distribution by means of time-to-frequency conversion
J Nunn, LJ Wright, C Söller, L Zhang, IA Walmsley, BJ Smith
Optics express 21 (13), 15959-15973, 2013
Creating diamond color centers for quantum optical applications
FC Waldermann, P Olivero, J Nunn, K Surmacz, ZY Wang, D Jaksch, ...
Diamond and Related Materials 16 (11), 1887-1895, 2007
Roadmap on all-optical processing
P Minzioni, C Lacava, T Tanabe, J Dong, X Hu, G Csaba, W Porod, ...
Journal of Optics 21 (6), 063001, 2019
Enhancing multiphoton rates with quantum memories
J Nunn, NK Langford, WS Kolthammer, TFM Champion, MR Sprague, ...
Physical review letters 110 (13), 133601, 2013
Macroscopic non-classical states and terahertz quantum processing in room-temperature diamond
KC Lee, BJ Sussman, MR Sprague, P Michelberger, KF Reim, J Nunn, ...
Nature Photonics 6 (1), 41-44, 2012
High-speed noise-free optical quantum memory
KT Kaczmarek, PM Ledingham, B Brecht, SE Thomas, GS Thekkadath, ...
Physical Review A 97 (4), 042316, 2018
Interfacing GHz-bandwidth heralded single photons with a warm vapour Raman memory
PS Michelberger, TFM Champion, MR Sprague, KT Kaczmarek, ...
New Journal of Physics 17 (4), 043006, 2015
Cavity-enhanced room-temperature broadband Raman memory
DJ Saunders, JHD Munns, TFM Champion, C Qiu, KT Kaczmarek, ...
Physical review letters 116 (9), 090501, 2016
Multipulse Addressing of a Raman Quantum Memory: Configurable Beam Splitting<? format?> and Efficient Readout
KF Reim, J Nunn, XM Jin, PS Michelberger, TFM Champion, DG England, ...
Physical review letters 108 (26), 263602, 2012
From photons to phonons and back: A THz optical memory in diamond
DG England, PJ Bustard, J Nunn, R Lausten, BJ Sussman
Physical review letters 111 (24), 243601, 2013
Tomography of photon-number resolving continuous-output detectors
PC Humphreys, BJ Metcalf, T Gerrits, T Hiemstra, AE Lita, J Nunn, ...
New Journal of Physics 17 (10), 103044, 2015
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