Alessandro D'Alconzo
Alessandro D'Alconzo
Siemens Aktiengesellschaft, Austria
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The logarithmic nature of QoE and the role of the Weber-Fechner law in QoE assessment
P Reichl, S Egger, R Schatz, A D'Alconzo
2010 IEEE International Conference on Communications, 1-5, 2010
A survey on big data for network traffic monitoring and analysis
A D’Alconzo, I Drago, A Morichetta, M Mellia, P Casas
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 16 (3), 800-813, 2019
Predicting QoE in cellular networks using machine learning and in-smartphone measurements
P Casas, A D'Alconzo, F Wamser, M Seufert, B Gardlo, A Schwind, ...
2017 Ninth International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience …, 2017
Exploiting cellular networks for road traffic estimation: A survey and a research roadmap
D Valerio, A D'Alconzo, F Ricciato, W Wiedermann
VTC Spring 2009-IEEE 69th Vehicular Technology Conference, 1-5, 2009
When YouTube doesn't Work - Analysis of QoE-relevant Degradation in Google CDN Traffic
P Casas, A D'Alconzo, P Fiadino, A Bar, A Finamore, T Zseby
Transactions on Network and Service Management, 0
A review of DoS attack models for 3G cellular networks from a system-design perspective
F Ricciato, A Coluccia, A D’Alconzo
Computer Communications 33 (5), 551-558, 2010
A distribution-based approach to anomaly detection and application to 3G mobile traffic
A D'Alconzo, A Coluccia, F Ricciato, P Romirer-Maierhofer
GLOBECOM 2009-2009 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 1-8, 2009
Data traffic monitoring and analysis
E Biersack, C Callegari, M Matijasevic
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013
Machine-Learning Based Approaches for Anomaly Detection and Classification in Cellular Networks
P Casas, P Fiadino, A D'Alconzo
8th Traffic Monitoring and Analysis (TMA2016) Workshop, Louvain La Neuve …, 2016
Network security and anomaly detection with Big-DAMA, a big data analytics framework
P Casas, F Soro, J Vanerio, G Settanni, A D'Alconzo
2017 IEEE 6th international conference on cloud networking (CloudNet), 1-7, 2017
On the ground truth problem of malicious DNS traffic analysis
M Stevanovic, JM Pedersen, A D'Alconzo, S Ruehrup, A Berger
Computers & Security, 2015
Network-wide measurements of TCP RTT in 3G
P Romirer-Maierhofer, F Ricciato, A D’Alconzo, R Franzan, W Karner
International Workshop on Traffic Monitoring and Analysis, 17-25, 2009
Distribution-based anomaly detection via generalized likelihood ratio test: A general maximum entropy approach
A Coluccia, A D’Alconzo, F Ricciato
Computer Networks 57 (17), 3446-3462, 2013
Drop call probability in established cellular networks: from data analysis to modelling
G Boggia, P Camarda, A D'alconzo, A De Biasi, M Siviero
2005 IEEE 61st Vehicular Technology Conference 5, 2775-2779, 2005
Mining agile DNS traffic using graph analysis for cybercrime detection
A Berger, A D’Alconzo, WN Gansterer, A Pescapé
Computer Networks 100, 28-44, 2016
Modeling of call dropping in well-established cellular networks
G Boggia, P Camarda, A D'alconzo
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2007, 1, 2007
Big-DAMA: big data analytics for network traffic monitoring and analysis
P Casas, A D'Alconzo, T Zseby, M Mellia
Proceedings of the 2016 workshop on Fostering Latin-American Research in …, 2016
DBStream: A holistic approach to large-scale network traffic monitoring and analysis
A Baer, P Casas, A D’Alconzo, P Fiadino, L Golab, M Mellia, E Schikuta
Computer Networks 107, 5-19, 2016
A method for identifying compromised clients based on DNS traffic analysis
M Stevanovic, JM Pedersen, A D’Alconzo, S Ruehrup
International Journal of Information Security 16, 115-132, 2017
A methodological overview on anomaly detection
C Callegari, A Coluccia, A D’Alconzo, W Ellens, S Giordano, M Mandjes, ...
Data Traffic Monitoring and Analysis: From Measurement, Classification, and …, 2013
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