Diana M Negoescu
Diana M Negoescu
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Cited by
The knowledge-gradient algorithm for sequencing experiments in drug discovery
DM Negoescu, PI Frazier, WB Powell
INFORMS Journal on Computing 23 (3), 346-363, 2011
Screening and rapid molecular diagnosis of tuberculosis in prisons in Russia and Eastern Europe: a cost-effectiveness analysis
DE Winetsky, DM Negoescu, EH DeMarchis, O Almukhamedova, ...
PLoS medicine 9 (11), e1001348, 2012
Dynamic learning of patient response types: An application to treating chronic diseases
DM Negoescu, K Bimpikis, ML Brandeau, DA Iancu
Management science 64 (8), 3469-3488, 2018
Proactive vs reactive therapeutic drug monitoring of infliximab in Crohn’s disease: a cost-effectiveness analysis in a simulated cohort
DM Negoescu, EA Enns, B Swanhorst, B Baumgartner, JP Campbell, ...
Inflammatory bowel diseases 26 (1), 103-111, 2020
Design of incentive programs for optimal medication adherence in the presence of observable consumption
S Suen, D Negoescu, J Goh
Operations Research 70 (3), 1691-1716, 2022
Public/Private Partnerships in transit: Case studies and analysis
M Blodgett, A Khani, D Negoescu, S Benjaafar
Minnesota Council on Transportation Access, 2017
Balancing immunological benefits and cardiovascular risks of antiretroviral therapy: when is immediate treatment optimal?
DM Negoescu, DK Owens, ML Brandeau, E Bendavid
Clinical infectious diseases 55 (10), 1392-1399, 2012
Differentiated human immunodeficiency virus RNA monitoring in resource-limited settings: an economic analysis
DM Negoescu, Z Zhang, HC Bucher, E Bendavid, Swiss HIV Cohort Study
Clinical infectious diseases 64 (12), 1724-1730, 2017
Design of incentive programs for optimal medication adherence
S Suen, D Negoescu, J Goh
Available at SSRN 3308510, 2018
Does mothers’ and caregivers' access to information on their child’s vaccination card impact the timing of their child’s measles vaccination in Uganda?
BC Griffith, SE Cusick, KM Searle, DM Negoescu, NE Basta, C Banura
BMC public health 22 (1), 834, 2022
Crystalcandle: A user-facing model explainer for narrative explanations
J Yang, D Negoescu, P Ahammad
arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.12941, 2021
When and what to test for: a cost-effectiveness analysis of febrile illness test-and-treat strategies in the era of responsible antibiotic use
AZ Zhang, D Negoescu, C Munoz-Zanzi
Plos one 15 (1), e0227409, 2020
Optimal learning for drug discovery in ewing’s sarchoma
D Negoescu, P Frazier
To appear, 2011
Intellige: A user-facing model explainer for narrative explanations
J Yang, D Negoescu, P Ahammad
arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.12941, 2021
Epsilon*: Privacy Metric for Machine Learning Models
DM Negoescu, H Gonzalez, SEA Orjany, J Yang, Y Lut, R Tandra, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.11280, 2023
Managing Uncertainty in Sequential Medical Decision Making
DM Negoescu
stanford university, 2014
Sales Channel Optimization via Simulations Based on Observational Data with Delayed Rewards: A Case Study at LinkedIn
DM Negoescu, P Khosravi, S Zhao, N Chen, P Ahammad, H Gonzalez
arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.07749, 2022
Proactive Versus Reactive Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Infliximab in Crohn’s Disease: Mathematical Modeling and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
D Negoescu, EA Enns, B Swanhorst, B Baumgartner, B Vaughn
40th Annual Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, 2018
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Clinical Management Strategies for Undifferentiated Febrile Illness in the Era of Responsible Antibiotic Use
Z Zhang, D Negoescu, C Munoz-Zanzi
40th Annual Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, 2018
Optimal Learning for Drug Discovery in Ewing’s Sarcoma
DMNPI Frazier
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Articles 1–20