Mohammad Reza Mehrnia
Mohammad Reza Mehrnia
Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of Tehran, Iran
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Preparation of polysulfone nanofiltration membranes by UV-assisted grafting polymerization for water softening
M Homayoonfal, A Akbari, MR Mehrnia
Desalination 263 (1-3), 217-225, 2010
Optimizing the removal of organophosphorus pesticide malathion from water using multi-walled carbon nanotubes
MH Dehghani, ZS Niasar, MR Mehrnia, M Shayeghi, MA Al-Ghouti, ...
Chemical Engineering Journal 310, 22-32, 2017
Comparative study of biosurfactant producing bacteria in MEOR applications
H Amani, MH Sarrafzadeh, M Haghighi, MR Mehrnia
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 75 (1-2), 209-214, 2010
Oxygen mass transfer in a stirred tank bioreactor using different impeller configurations for environmental purposes
A Karimi, F Golbabaei, MR Mehrnia, M Neghab, K Mohammad, A Nikpey, ...
Iranian journal of environmental health science & engineering 10, 1-9, 2013
Adsorption of carbon dioxide using impregnated activated carbon promoted by Zinc
A Somy, MR Mehrnia, HD Amrei, A Ghanizadeh, M Safari
International journal of greenhouse gas control 3 (3), 249-254, 2009
Preparation of nanofilter from carbon nanotubes for application in virus removal from water
ST Mostafavi, MR Mehrnia, AM Rashidi
Desalination 238 (1-3), 271-280, 2009
Comparison between different models for rheological characterization of activated sludge
AK Garakani, N Mostoufi, F Sadeghi, H Fatourechi, M Sarrafzadeh, ...
Journal of Environmental Health Science & Engineering 8 (3), 255-264, 2011
Amoxicillin separation from pharmaceutical solution by pH sensitive nanofiltration membranes
M Homayoonfal, MR Mehrnia
Separation and Purification Technology 130, 74-83, 2014
Analyze and control fouling in an airlift membrane bioreactor: CFD simulation and experimental studies
A Khalili-Garakani, MR Mehrnia, N Mostoufi, MH Sarrafzadeh
Process Biochemistry 46 (5), 1138-1145, 2011
Membrane bioreactor for treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater containing acetaminophen
FP Shariati, MR Mehrnia, BM Salmasi, M Heran, C Wisniewski, ...
Desalination 250 (2), 798-800, 2010
Fabrication of alumina/polysulfone nanocomposite membranes with biofouling mitigation approach in membrane bioreactors
M Homayoonfal, MR Mehrnia, S Rahmani, YM Mojtahedi
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 22, 357-367, 2015
Effect of metal and metal oxide nanoparticle impregnation route on structure and liquid filtration performance of polymeric nanocomposite membranes: a comprehensive review
M Homayoonfal, MR Mehrnia, YM Mojtahedi, AF Ismail
Desalination and Water Treatment 51 (16-18), 3295-3316, 2013
Effect of surface contaminants on oxygen transfer in bubble column reactors
M Asgharpour, MR Mehrnia, N Mostoufi
Biochemical engineering journal 49 (3), 351-360, 2010
A comparison between blending and surface deposition methods for the preparation of iron oxide/polysulfone nanocomposite membranes
M Homayoonfal, MR Mehrnia, M Shariaty-Niassar, A Akbari, AF Ismail, ...
Desalination 354, 125-142, 2014
Scale up and Application of Biosurfactant from Bacillus subtilis in Enhanced Oil Recovery
H Amani, MR Mehrnia, MH Sarrafzadeh, M Haghighi, MR Soudi
Applied biochemistry and biotechnology 162, 510-523, 2010
Gas hold-up and oxygen transfer in a draft-tube airlift bioreactor with petroleum-based liquids
MR Mehrnia, J Towfighi, B Bonakdarpour, MM Akbarnejad
Biochemical Engineering Journal 22 (2), 105-110, 2005
Characterization of novel biosurfactant producing strains of Bacillus spp. isolated from petroleum contaminated soil
S Nasr, MR Soudi, MR Mehrnia, MH SAFARZADEH
Iranian Journal of Microbiology 1 (2), 54-61, 2009
Amoxicillin separation from pharmaceutical wastewater by high permeability polysulfone nanofiltration membrane
R Derakhsheshpoor, M Homayoonfal, A Akbari, MR Mehrnia
Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering 11, 1-10, 2013
Experimental study and computational fluid dynamics simulation of a full-scale membrane bioreactor for municipal wastewater treatment application
E Amini, MR Mehrnia, SM Mousavi, N Mostoufi
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 52 (29), 9930-9939, 2013
Municipal wastewater treatment by semi-continuous and membrane algal-bacterial photo-bioreactors
E Amini, A Babaei, MR Mehrnia, J Shayegan, MS Safdari
Journal of Water Process Engineering 36, 101274, 2020
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