Yeh Nai-Chang
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Directional Tunneling and Andreev Reflection on Single Crystals: Predominance of -Wave Pairing Symmetry Verified with the Generalized Blonder …
JYT Wei, NC Yeh, DF Garrigus, M Strasik
Physical review letters 81 (12), 2542, 1998
Diffusion of oxygen in superconducting ceramic oxides
KN Tu, NC Yeh, SI Park, CC Tsuei
Physical Review B 39 (1), 304, 1989
Single-step deposition of high-mobility graphene at reduced temperatures
DA Boyd, WH Lin, CC Hsu, ML Teague, CC Chen, YY Lo, WY Chan, ...
Nature Communications 6 (1), 6620, 2015
Surface-Dominated Conduction in a 6 nm thick Bi2Se3 Thin Film
L He, F Xiu, X Yu, M Teague, W Jiang, Y Fan, X Kou, M Lang, Y Wang, ...
Nano letters 12 (3), 1486-1490, 2012
Quasi-two-dimensional phase fluctuations in bulk superconducting single crystals
NC Yeh, CC Tsuei
Physical Review B 39 (13), 9708, 1989
Evidence of doping-dependent pairing symmetry in cuprate superconductors
NC Yeh, CT Chen, G Hammerl, J Mannhart, A Schmehl, CW Schneider, ...
Physical Review Letters 87 (8), 087003, 2001
Nonequilibrium superconductivity under spin-polarized quasiparticle currents in perovskite ferromagnet-insulator-superconductor heterostructures
NC Yeh, RP Vasquez, CC Fu, AV Samoilov, Y Li, K Vakili
Physical Review B 60 (14), 10522, 1999
Competing weak localization and weak antilocalization in ultrathin topological insulators
M Lang, L He, X Kou, P Upadhyaya, Y Fan, H Chu, Y Jiang, JH Bardarson, ...
Nano letters 13 (1), 48-53, 2013
Evidence for Strain-Induced Local Conductance Modulations in Single-Layer Graphene on SiO2
ML Teague, AP Lai, J Velasco, CR Hughes, AD Beyer, MW Bockrath, ...
Nano letters 9 (7), 2542-2546, 2009
Tunneling Evidence of Half-Metallic Ferromagnetism in
JYT Wei, NC Yeh, RP Vasquez
Physical review letters 79 (25), 5150, 1997
Evidence of a Bose-glass transition in superconducting single crystals with columnar defects
W Jiang, NC Yeh, DS Reed, U Kriplani, DA Beam, M Konczykowski, ...
Physical review letters 72 (4), 550, 1994
Nanoscale strain engineering of giant pseudo-magnetic fields, valley polarization, and topological channels in graphene
CC Hsu, ML Teague, JQ Wang, NC Yeh
Science Advances 6 (19), eaat9488, 2020
Strongly Correlated -Wave Superconductivity in the -Type Infinite-Layer Cuprate
CT Chen, P Seneor, NC Yeh, RP Vasquez, LD Bell, CU Jung, JY Kim, ...
Physical review letters 88 (22), 227002, 2002
Effects of lattice distortion and Jahn-Teller coupling on the magnetoresistance of and epitaxial films
NC Yeh, RP Vasquez, DA Beam, CC Fu, J Huynh, G Beach
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 9 (18), 3713, 1997
Critical fluctuations and pinning effects on the vortex transport in superconducting Y-Ba-Cu-O single crystals
NC Yeh, W Jiang, DS Reed, U Kriplani, F Holtzberg
Physical Review B 47 (10), 6146, 1993
Measurement of a Sign-Changing Two-Gap Superconducting Phase in Electron-Doped Single Crystals Using Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy
ML Teague, GK Drayna, GP Lockhart, P Cheng, B Shen, HH Wen, ...
Physical review letters 106 (8), 087004, 2011
Strong correlation and superconductivity
AP Malozemoff, TK Worthington, E Zeldov, NC Yeh, MW McElfresh, ...
Springer Series in Solid State Sciences, edited by H. Fukuyama, S. Maekawa …, 1989
Tunneling evidence of half-metallicity in epitaxial films of ferromagnetic perovskite manganites and ferrimagnetic magnetite
JYT Wei, NC Yeh, RP Vasquez, A Gupta
Journal of Applied Physics 83 (11), 7366-7368, 1998
Electric-Field-Induced Electronic Instability in Amorphous Si Superconducting Films
AV Samoilov, M Konczykowski, NC Yeh, S Berry, CC Tsuei
Physical review letters 75 (22), 4118, 1995
Strain-induced pseudo-magnetic fields and charging effects on CVD-grown graphene
NC Yeh, ML Teague, S Yeom, BL Standley, RTP Wu, DA Boyd, ...
Surface Science 605 (17-18), 1649-1656, 2011
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Articles 1–20