Yongqiang Zhang
Yongqiang Zhang
NetEase Fuxi AI Lab
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Cited by
LRSR: low-rank-sparse representation for subspace clustering
J Wang, D Shi, D Cheng, Y Zhang, J Gao
Neurocomputing 214, 1026-1037, 2016
Low-rank-sparse subspace representation for robust regression
Y Zhang, D Shi, J Gao, D Cheng
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2017
Nefii: Inverse rendering for reflectance decomposition with near-field indirect illumination
H Wu, Z Hu, L Li, Y Zhang, C Fan, X Yu
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2023
Towards unbiased volume rendering of neural implicit surfaces with geometry priors
Y Zhang, Z Hu, H Wu, M Zhao, L Li, Z Zou, C Fan
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2023
Robust facial landmark detection and tracking across poses and expressions for in-the-wild monocular video
S Liu, Y Zhang, X Yang, D Shi, JJ Zhang
Computational Visual Media 3, 33-47, 2017
Sign-correlation partition based on global supervised descent method for face alignment
Y Zhang, S Liu, X Yang, D Shi, JJ Zhang
Computer Vision–ACCV 2016: 13th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Taipei …, 2017
Deep learning applications in games: a survey from a data perspective
Z Hu, Y Ding, R Wu, L Li, R Zhang, Y Hu, F Qiu, Z Zhang, K Wang, S Zhao, ...
Applied Intelligence 53 (24), 31129-31164, 2023
Semi-supervised eye makeup transfer by swapping learned representation
F Zhu, H Cao, Z Feng, Y Zhang, W Luo, H Zhou, M Song, KK Ma
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF international conference on computer vision …, 2019
Supervised coordinate descent method with a 3d bilinear model for face alignment and tracking
Y Zhang, S Liu, X Yang, J Zhang, D Shi
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds 28 (3-4), e1773, 2017
Sign correlation subspace for face alignment
D Cheng, Y Zhang, F Tian, C Liu, X Liu
Soft Computing 23, 241-249, 2019
Calligraphy Font Generation via Explicitly Modeling Location-aware Glyph Component Deformations
M Zhao, X Qi, Z Hu, L Li, Y Zhang, Z Huang, X Yu
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2023
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Articles 1–11