Rosapia Lauro-Grotto
Rosapia Lauro-Grotto
Ricercatore di Psicologia Dinamica UNIFI
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Interactive music as a treatment for pain and stress in children during venipuncture: a randomized prospective study
S Caprilli, F Anastasi, RPL Grotto, MS Abeti, A Messeri
Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics 28 (5), 399-403, 2007
Modality-specific operations in semantic dementia
R Lauro-Grotto, C Piccini, T Shallice
Cortex 33 (4), 593-622, 1997
Virtual reality analgesia during venipuncture in pediatric patients with onco-hematological diseases
B Atzori, HG Hoffman, L Vagnoli, DR Patterson, W Alhalabi, A Messeri, ...
Frontiers in psychology 9, 2508, 2018
Virtual reality analgesia for pediatric dental patients
B Atzori, R Lauro Grotto, A Giugni, M Calabrò, W Alhalabi, HG Hoffman
Frontiers in psychology 9, 2265, 2018
Effects of psychological interventions on anxiety and pain in patients undergoing major elective abdominal surgery: a systematic review
G Villa, I Lanini, T Amass, V Bocciero, C Scirè Calabrisotto, C Chelazzi, ...
Perioperative medicine 9, 1-8, 2020
The unbearable dynamicity of psychological processes: Highlights of the psychodynamic theories
R Lauro-Grotto, S Salvatore, A Gennaro, O Gelo
Dynamic process methodology in the social and developmental sciences, 1-30, 2009
Development of a new measure for assessing mentalizing: The multidimensional mentalizing questionnaire (MMQ)
A Gori, A Arcioni, E Topino, G Craparo, R Lauro Grotto
Journal of Personalized Medicine 11 (4), 305, 2021
The unconscious as an ultrametric set
R Lauro-Grotto
American Imago 64 (4), 535-543, 2007
Virtual reality as distraction technique for pain management in children and adolescents
B Atzori, HG Hoffman, L Vagnoli, A Messeri, RL Grotto
Advanced methodologies and technologies in medicine and healthcare, 483-494, 2019
What remains of memories lost in Alzheimer and herpetic encephalitis
R Lauro-Grotto, C Piccini, F Borgo, A Treves
Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 23, 1889, 1997
Dissociating episodic from semantic access mode by mutual information measures: evidence from aging and Alzheimer’s disease
E Ciaramelli, R Lauro-Grotto, A Treves
Journal of Physiology-Paris 100 (1-3), 142-153, 2006
An empirical model for understanding the threat responses at the time of COVID-19
A Gori, E Topino, G Craparo, R Lauro Grotto, V Caretti
Mediterranean Journal of Clinical Psychology 9, 1-18, 2021
An exploratory study on the effectiveness of virtual reality analgesia for children and adolescents with kidney diseases undergoing venipuncture
B Atzori, L Vagnoli, D Graziani, HG Hoffman, M Sampaio, W Alhalabi, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (4), 2291, 2022
Attempts to grasp the dynamicity of intersubjectivity
S Salvatore, R Lauro-Grotto, A Gennaro, O Gelo
Dynamics process methodology in the social and developmental sciences, 171-190, 2009
The computational role of conscious processing in a model of semantic memory.
R Lauro-Grotto, S Reich, MA Virasoro
Oxford University Press, 1997
The computational role of conscious processing in a model of semantic memory, ed. Ito M
R Lauro Grotto, S Reich, AM Virasoro
Proceedings of the HAS Symposium on Cognition, Computation and Consciousness …, 1994
Agnosia for global patterns: When the cross-talk between grouping and visual selective attention fails
C Piccini, R Lauro-Grotto, MM Del Viva, D Burr
Cognitive Neuropsychology 20 (1), 3-25, 2003
Predicting treatment outcome by combining different assessment tools: Toward an integrative model of decision support in psychotherapy.
A Gori, R Lauro-Grotto, M Giannini, D Schuldberg
Journal of Psychotherapy Integration 20 (2), 251, 2010
Neural coding for the retrieval of multiple memory patterns
A Morelli, RL Grotto, FT Arecchi
Biosystems 86 (1-3), 100-109, 2006
The perspective of the nursing staff on terminal sedation in pediatric onco-hematology: A phenomenologic-hermeneutic study
D Tringali, R Lauro-Grotto, M Papini
Palliative & supportive care 11 (6), 465-472, 2013
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